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We're so deep underground, we can touch the Devil's Wang
Fuck you. fuck your family. fuck your dog. fuck your uncle. fuck your grandma. fuck your nieces and nephews. fuck your high school basketball coach. fuck your favorite television star. fuck your car


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hello, No One.

Our "equipment" is on the fritz right now. As soon as LP quits being lazy/cheap he'll go out and buy us some replacement parts. Overdub [LT] is most likely moving back to his old city, leaving us a little bit, how you say...fucked. That means we'll have to look for a new beat guy soon. Ain't that a B?

LP is currently writing/fine tuning songs and working on his flow. He's got more than a few songs in the works, and they sound pretty decent to me. Of course they could still use work, and that's what I'm here for, amirite?

You wouldn't know. You're No One after all.
But I [AB] am the man that fine tunes the lyrics and gives input on all the songs. No part of the process gets by me without inspection --well, almost no part. Sometimes I can't talk LP out of cutting some of the lame parts he uses.

Eh, what can you do..

If you like our music, awesome!

And if you don't...oh well. What can I say? We're only people. Still young and plenty of time to learn. Soon enough, this will all just be a memory.

If someone actually reads this entire entry, I'll be both surprised, and amused. If you read this entire entry, leave a comment with the word Turtleshakes in it. Have a good day, and a better night.

-AUDIBLE Bleeding.



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Audible Bleeding presents the Lost Poet and Lovable Thug, split EP!.
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An upcoming collaberation of Audible Bleeding artists!
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©HB-Unit 2007