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Dr Dre On Chat @ Questions in White Dre Answers In Red

"Dish Diva" : Dr. Dre, thanks so much for stopping by MSN Live. It's great to meet you! There are hundreds of audience questions so let's get started!
Dr_Dre : Sup!
"Dish Diva" : Monty says: What can we expct from you on this new CD?
Dr_Dre : You can expect to go from dark to drearry. Everyone is on the new album Eminem, Xzibit, Hittman, you should really check it out.
"Dish Diva" : shameless says: Are rap and hip-hop the same thing?
Dr_Dre : Yeah, it's pretty much the same thing. It's so close that you can't tell the difference. Rap and Hip Hop, it's all the same.
"Dish Diva" : Cartman says: what was it like for you when you first came across Eminem and did you have any doubts that he would make it in rap?
Dr_Dre : No, when I first heard Eminem, I knew he was something different and I knew he was someone I wanted to work with. I knew he was gonna be somethin.

"Dish Diva" : IceCube 2000 says: What is your favorite video you have done from your CD?
Dr_Dre : The "Next Episode" because it's a party video and we had a lot of fun doing it.

"Dish Diva" : Croyd Asks: I heard you and Snoop Dogg were planning an album together. Is this true?
Dr_Dre : Yeah, Snoop's got one more album that's his priority and then we'll get together

"Dish Diva" : DjJAWz Asks: how do you feel about drum & bass remixes of your work?
Dr_Dre : Well it's flattering that people like to use my work and redo it. It's just a way of complimenting my work, so I like it.

"Dish Diva" : "ryde or dye chic6" Asks: dre sup youve worked with a lot of people over the years who is your favorite one to work with??and why?
Dr_Dre : That's a hard one. Everybody has been good. I can't single out one artist. I haven't had a bad one yet.

"Dish Diva" : "DJ Premier2" Asks: dre what do u think of the wu-tang clan?
Dr_Dre : I love um! I always have. I would love to work with those guys too.
Dr_Dre : If I have time.

"Dish Diva" : jaxs Asks: Why did you decide to pursue a career in rap?
Dr_Dre : I don't know of a career in rap, I'm more of a producer. I'm not really a rap artist, I'm a producer.

"Dish Diva" : DrDresBabyBoo says: was it fun working on the set of the real slim shady? i watched making the vedio of it on MTV and you guys looked like you were having lots and lots of fun, i never knew them EMINEM was that crazy it was funny watching you guys work together
Dr_Dre : Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Em was a lot of fun, everything you see in the video, that's really him. He's a fun guy!

"Dish Diva" : captainhowdy says: ANY chance youll get into a rap/rock remix?
Dr_Dre : There's a lot of rock stuff I like, so I'll just have to get into that later when I find time. It won't be remixes though, it will be something I create myself.

"Dish Diva" : BLiND asks: Most artists drop off the charts after a few years. What do you do to keep your music alive?
Dr_Dre : I go back into the studio and just work. I try and keep up with what's happening and try to keep a fresh look on everything.
Dr_Dre : And I'm always lookin for that new $hit.

"Dish Diva" : IceD Asks: What brought about the reunion with Cube and Wren??
Dr_Dre : That's something we're plannin in the future. We're trying to plan an NWA Reunion. It's in the works.

Dr_Dre : It went real well. The audience loved it. They had Metalica and Hot Chili Peppers. When they show it on TV you should be able to see the crowd reaction when we come on.

Dr_Dre : Oh yeah! We're going to have the best tour this summer.

"Dish Diva" : Dres_gurl Asks: why is the name of your tour the"Up In Smoke"tour?
Dr_Dre : I don't know. That one just came to me, spur of the moment. Up In Smoke just sounded like a good phrase so that's what I decided to call it.

"Dish Diva" : dadude8 Asks: dre would you ever consider using a orchestra in your producution? you are always pushing the envelope and i know you would make it incredible.
Dr_Dre : We tried it on a couple of songs. We'll probably try it again on some future stuff. It sounds really good and just takes a lot of time.

"Dish Diva" : pheature says: Dre, do you write your own lyrics?
Dr_Dre : No.
Dr_Dre : The people I'm workin with take care of that.

"Dish Diva" : AK Asks: when are you going to be in a movie?
Dr_Dre : Yes, it's in the future. I want to get into movies after we finish up some current projects. I've been getting a lot of offers and just waiting for the right one. I definitely want to get into movies.

"Dish Diva" : christina says: I want to know what kind of music do you like?
Dr_Dre : I listen to everything. I try to keep my mind fresh for the new stuff that is coming out. I keep an eye out for that new hot sh*t.

"Dish Diva" : maf says: When is "the last meal" coming out?
Dr_Dre : That's Snoop's album, so you'll have to ask him. I think he'll finish it up after the tour sometime in September, but I don't know when they'll put it out.

"Dish Diva" : Robz2K Asks: Is it true that Quentin Tarantino is directing the new NWA video
Dr_Dre : No, we talked to him about directing it, but he didn't direct it.

"Dish Diva" : kaki says: ask him how he got his name, if its short for anything.
Dr_Dre : Dre is short for Andre.

"Dish Diva" : iyawo Asks: what was it like and what did it mean to you to get the life achievement award?
Dr_Dre : It was a great honor, everybody wants to get that sooner or later. I was really honored to get that award

"Dish Diva" : smokijoe says: Ask dre when hes going to come out with a old school album?
Dr_Dre : No.

"Dish Diva" : 110_South Asks: On the song "Whats the Difference" , who are you speaking on when you say "move units, . then speak upon reunions".
Dr_Dre : We're talking about Doc DOC.

"Dish Diva" : Playalistic Asks: Did people really forget you between "The Chronic" days and now? Is that where "Forgot About Dre" came from?
Dr_Dre : Yeah it is because we did a couple of things inbetween there so I have to prove to everyone that I'm still on top.

"Dish Diva" : Shalalea: What do you consider to be your greatest sucess?
Dr_Dre : This album is my greatest musical success and the artists that I've put out.

"Dish Diva" : johnnnnny7 Asks: Dre, what do you think is the most important quality in making a great rapper/entertainer?
Dr_Dre : You've got to have vision, be able to put a record together and have vision about your career. Be committed.

"Dish Diva" : Marshall_Mathers_III Asks: What made you do a " behind the music" interview for vh1? I saw it and it was pretty informative.
Dr_Dre : There's a lot of wrong information about me and about my life and I wanted people to get the real information directly from me.

"Dish Diva" : afterart Asks: Dr.Dre when are you going to have your next album out?
Dr_Dre : I'm thinking about some things right now, but if I do put another one out, it will be late next year.

"Dish Diva" : BabyGurl says: Dre,how long have you and Eminem known each other?
Dr_Dre : 3 years.

"Dish Diva" : Foodstamp says: Please ask dr. dre how is eminems' new album doing??
Dr_Dre : We are 4 times platinum in 4 weeks.

"Dish Diva" : Congratulations! That's pretty much unheard of, isn't it?
Dr_Dre : Yeah.

"Dish Diva" : themadhatter Asks: Dre will u ever do a rap with Kid Rock or KoRn.
Dr_Dre : People ask me to collaborate all the time, but if I ever have time, anything is a possibility.

"Dish Diva" : Let's talk about one of your passions-- fast cars. Tell us about your collection.
Dr_Dre : There is no collection. I own 2 Mercedes and a Suburban. I can only drive one car at a time.

"Dish Diva" : LisaK says: Where can we get in touch with you?
Dr_Dre : You can go to the website

"Dish Diva" : Caged says: How's the Up in Smoke Tour going? You guys ever get really crazy on tour?
Dr_Dre : no, we're all older and married. We definitely know how to have a good time, but the crazy days are definitely the NWA days.

"Dish Diva" : rapster says: Do you think rappers can go too far?
Dr_Dre : Never.

"Dish Diva" : "Dr Dre rocks" Asks: Dr. Dre your the bomb. Do you have anyother favorite rapper besides yourself
Dr_Dre : Eminem. I'm not really a rapper, I'm a producer.

"Dish Diva" : CMX Asks: Why did you decide you release Eve?
Dr_Dre : She had done some work in the Rough Rider camp and we thought that was a better marriage. At the time I wasn't recording and I didn't want to hold her up in making her record.

"Dish Diva" : KoRnGirL Asks: dr dre i whant to be a rapper but i am a girl and i dont know how peaple would react how do you think they would react to a white girl rapping
Dr_Dre : Anything is possible, look at Eminem.

"Dish Diva" : PMK says: Is there anything youw ant to do that you haven't done yet?
Dr_Dre : Make movies.

"Dish Diva" : native_gurl69 Asks: How does it feel working with snoop again??
Dr_Dre : It's just like old time. Like we haven't been apart, nothing's changed at all.

"Dish Diva" : Rukas Asks: What type of moves would you like to make? Comedy? Action? Drama?
Dr_Dre : I don't want to act, I want to direct or produce.

"Dish Diva" : Chaka says: What's going on this weekend? Are you performing or chillin'?
Dr_Dre : Performing.
"Dish Diva" : Dr. Dre., thanks for being with us on MSN Live! I know you need to head onstage for your concert this evening!
Dr_Dre : I'm really proud of the tour and really proud of the tour and I'd like everyone to check it out when it comes to town. You won't be disappointed.

"Dish Diva" : Thanks for joining us tonight. As you heard, Dr. Dre is heading onstage this minute in concert.
"Dish Diva" : Get more on Dr. Dre at his site,