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Arbor Crew's Main Page

Good times...

Random Guys...

Livin' in McCormick Hall...froshie year

O-Staff 2003...

Winter Flurry 2004...

Shout Outs...

Random IM Conversations...(believe me, they're fun)

Stevie's Page (solely cuz he's cool like that)

I AM A COLLEGE STUDENT... (check it out)

My Xanga...

Email Me!

We Are...Marquette!

Oh my, so when was the last time I updated this, let alone even LOOKED at it? Yeah, so I definitely think it's time for an update on this baby. Anyway, I'm back at school, O-Staff is over, the parties have begun, and about half my classes are super lame. Espesh biology...that's a joke. But I have a waaaaay better roommate, better food in my res hall cafeteria, and a better place to go study. (I love the new library!) I think this semester's gonna be way awesome. Plus, I get to see my dad during Parents' Weekend, which I am sooo excited about. I don't have to wait til Christmas to see him. AND...I get to see my mom during Thanksgiving.

Yeah, so the weather went from 80* to 45* in about 5 hours and it's stayed at 40-50* for the past week or so. Damn random Midwest weather. But whatever. I love it here. Although it makes it hard to get up in the morning. All I wanna do is snuggle deeper into my fuzzy fleecy blanket and stay there.

Anywho...I'll update this thing occasionally...probably mostly just pictures and such. As for right now, my books and ESPN are calling my name, so it's time for me to study and watch some football. Laters ya'll!!!

days til Thanksgiving Break! (Yay!)

I scored a 95% on the "How OLP are you?" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 90% on the "How MU are you?" Quizie! What about you?

Important Dates To Remember:

  • October 25, 2003: MIDNITE MADNESS @ the US Cellular Arena
  • October 31, 2003: HALLOWEEN!!! (Woohoo!!! Can't wait til Madison!!!)
  • December 14, 2003: I fly back home for Christmas break! Yaaay!

    Last update: October 19, 2003

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