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     How to play the Stockmarket.

Here are some tricks to keep you on top

1. Buy 1,000 shares at 15NP each.

2. Try to buy shares at 15NP with a +1 by it. This means it went up one point.

3. Wait for stocks to go up. Preferably to 18NP or more.

4. Then sell 15,020NP worth of stocks. If you did this right you will break even and still have about 100 shares for free.

5. Repeat Process - If you do this everyday and search for a new 15NP stock you will do well!

I Usually sell 900 shares when it the price hits 18NP, at which time you end up with 100 shares and 16180NP. Then I buy another 1000 shares at 15np. You will still have 1180 in profit! Total Profit = 100 shares and 1180NP.

Ok so far it seems every stock I ever bought at 15NP has made me profit. A few went down to about 6NP. I just waited for them to go up again! Just don't buy stocks that are going down unless you want to wait for them to go up again! Also make sure you check your stocks everyday for maximum profits.

NOTE: It always costs 20NP to sell, so when you want to sell make sure you do all that you want to do. Also there is always a chance it will go down, however if you do this everyday it should help make some NP.

Page Created by jasonkrause !

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