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Fruit Machine
Coltzans Shrine
Deadly Dice
Faerie crossword
Free Omelette
Jelly World
Lab Ray
Advent Calender (December)
Important Neopian Times
Healing Springs
Strength Test
Kiosk Scratchcard
Fairground Scratchcard
Employment Agency
Plushie Tycoon
Buried Treasure
Bilge Dice
Wheel of Excitement
Wheel of Mediocrity
Wheel of Misfortune
Hidden Tower
Neopets New Features
Training School
Training Academy
Faerie Ability Chart
Ednas quests
Illusens Quest Levels
Jhudoras Quest Levels
Uber Faerie Quest rewards
Kitchen Quests
Snow Faerie
Secret Avatars
HEX Colour codes (Lookups & Shops)
Basic CSS help (User Lookups)
Basic Html Help
Scratchcard Prizes
Korbats Lab
Castle of Eliv Thade
Scarab 21
Defenders Of Neopia

     Take your ordinary, boring neggs to the Neggery and you can trade them in for powerful, magical ones!!!

Scroll over each Negg to see their Negg Point value at the Neggery.

A Negg is a Neopian delicacy. Worth 1 Negg point at the Neggery
A delicious purple negg, an unusual fruit with special powers. Worth 2 Negg points at the Neggery
Purple Negg
A very rare Green Negg. Worth 3 Negg points at the Neggery
Green Negg
The Orange Negg is full of vitamin C and is a great part of a healthy pets diet. Worth 4 Negg points at the Neggery
Orange Negg
A Rainbow Negg is a very special fruit full of all the vitamins and minerals a growing pet needs. Worth 6 Negg Points at the Neggery
Rainbow Negg
This pink negg is rather tasty - just like candyfloss. Worth 5 Negg points at the Neggery
Pink Negg
A very rare blue Negg.. Worth 5 Negg points at the Neggery
Blue Negg
A bizarre yellow Negg - this one is supposed to taste like your favourite food no matter what that is. Worth 6 Negg points at the Neggery
Yellow Negg
This Lemon and Lime Easter Negg is very special.  If your pet has one of these it means it has probably been visited by the Easter Bunny, which is very rare indeed. *** WORTH 32 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Lemon and Lime Easter Negg
This Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg is very special.  If your pet has one of these it means it has probably been visited by the Easter Bunny, which is very rare indeed. *** WORTH 28 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg
This Mint Chocolate Easter Negg is incredibly rare.  If your pet has one of these it means it has probably been visited by the Easter Bunny, which is very special indeed. *** WORTH 26 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Mint Chocolate Easter Negg
This Chocolate Orange Easter Negg is very special.  If your pet has one of these it means it has probably been visited by the Easter Bunny, which is very rare indeed. *** WORTH 22 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Chocolate Orange Easter Negg
This extraordinary pink Easter Negg is very special.  If your pet has one of these it means it has probably been visited by the Easter Bunny, which is very rare indeed. *** WORTH 18 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Pretty Pink Easter Negg
This spotted Easter Negg is a particular delicacy, but it is very very rare! *** WORTH 24 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Spotted Easter Negg
Wow, a strawberries and cream Easter Negg.  This is the ultimate in delicious! *** WORTH 16 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Strawberries and Cream Negg
This is a ultra rare fish negg! *** WORTH 50 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Fish Negg
Wow, this is a great treat for any one who gets it. Rainbow goodness.
Rainbow Vanilla Negg
Your sweet tooth will thank you. This treat is good and healthy for your pet.  *** WORTH 11 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Negg Cream Cookie
If you like them hard boiled, youll love them scrambled. Try this treat for breakfast. Its delicious. *** WORTH 11 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Scrambled Rainbow Neggs
A delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves. Worth 2 Negg points at the Neggery
Ice Negg (Retired)
A delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves. Worth 4 Negg points at the Neggery
Super Ice Negg
A delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves. Worth 6 Negg points at the Neggery
Ultra Ice Negg
The tastiest Ice Negg ever found in the Happy Valley Ice Caves *** WORTH 8 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Ultimate Ice Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This Negg will give your pet back up to 5 lost hit points
Blue Furry Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This Negg will give your pet back eight hit points!
Crystal Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This Negg will give your pet back twenty hit points!
Christmas Tree Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  When eaten this one will split in half and reveal a prize!
Bang Bang Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will grant a pet the Air Shield ability regardless of its level.
Spinning Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This negg will do sstraannnggee things to your pet!
Kaleideonegg Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  The Faerie Queen has blessed this Negg herself!
Faerie Queen Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.
Christmas Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will put the level of a random ability up!
Radioactive Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  One of the most powerful Neggs on sale, the snegg will grant your pet super powers!
Snegg Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will advance your pet a level in an ability, but has some bad side effects.
Plaid Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This negg is very powerful, but you can never tell what it will do to your pet, so be careful!
Vortex Negg
Negg-rific!! This Negg is worth 9 points in the Neopian Neggery!!!
Negg-rific!! This Negg is worth 9 points in the Neopian Neggery!!!
Negg-rific!! This Negg is worth 9 points in the Neopian Neggery!!!
The only see-through negg! This negg is worth 14 points at the Neggery!
Frozen Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery. This will increase your pet defence.
Silver Knight Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will increase your pet strength.
Power Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This unique negg has a special treat inside.
Sweet Heart Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will increase your pet intelligence in more than one way.
Genius Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This is a negg for all of you beautiful pets, but beware there are some bad side effects along with the good.
Glamour Negg
A magical negg, that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This will increase your pets happiness.
Happiness Negg
Deviled neggs are fantastic!  Better feed this one to your pet though as the Negg Faerie does not collect it.
Deviled Negg
A very rare dish, considering how sought after Neggs usually are.  The negg faerie wont accept this one as payment, she prefers neggs whole.
Negg Stew
This low fat, high energy salad is great for picnics.
Negg Salad
Who would have thought that a negg could be such a flavourful treat?
Negg Sundae
Stack em high and gulp em down.
Sliced Neggs
The Rainwater Negg will give your pet the ability to create a shield of water and steam around herself in battle.
Rainwater Negg
This evil Negg will grant your pet the ability Shadow Health, for use in the Battledome.
Cackling Negg
This magical Negg is rumoured to grant psychic powers to your pet, the ability to confuse his or her enemies!
Strawberries, Lemons and a dash of Juppie make this a fruity taste sensation.
Strawberry Swirl Easter Negg
With an evil cackle and dark magical powers, this Negg can perform some pretty dirty tricks in the Battledome.  Just throw it up in the air and see what happens!
Evil Negg
Not as good as the other neggs, but still, may prove to be a surprise!!
Basic Power Negg
Throw this Negg at an opponent in the Battledome to cause a storm of ice to pelt them from above.
Icestorm Negg
Throw this Negg at a Battledome opponent and it will burst in to a great ball of flames!
Fireball Negg
This Negg can only be used in the Battledome, where it will heal a wounded Neopet five hit points!
Basic Healing Negg
This Tyrannian water negg has a way of filling the most thirsty pet.
  • Tyrannian Water Negg
  • If your Neopet has a sweet tooth (or maybe more than one), then this is the perfect treat!!!  
    Lemon Sherbert Easter Negg
    Chyrsaberry and White Chocolate all mixed together make a slightly sour Easter treat.
    Chyrsaberry Easter Negg
    Make your Neopets day by giving them this Sardplant Easter Negg..... Delicious!
    Sardplant Easter Negg
    A subtle blend of Phear and Orange Chocolate make this one of the tastiest things in Neopia. 
    Phear Easter Negg
    Peachpa and white chocolate combine to make this beautiful little treat. 
    Peachpa Easter Negg
    Give your Neopet this special treat and they will love you forever. 
    Lovely Lime Easter Negg
    Aww its almost too pretty to eat. 
    Dancing Daisy Easter Negg
    An extra special treat for a well behaved Neopet.  This Fruity Faerie Easter Negg is delicious.  
    Fruity Faerie Easter Negg
    How do they pack so much Combomelon in this little negg?  One bite and your Neopet will be wanting these forever more.   
    Combomelon Easter Negg
    The breathtaking combination of Cornupepper and chocolate makes a great treat for any Neopet.   
    Cornupepper Easter Negg
    Oohhh, this Negg looks very tough, I wonder what it does!
    Spiked Negg
    Here he comes to save the day... Its Super Negg.  Give this to your Neopet and they will feel SUPER!
    Super Negg
    A suave, sophisticated treat for the extra special Neopet.
    00 Negg
    This Negg is for cool Neopets only, be cool or be square!
    Cool Negg
    Put a great big smile on your Neopets face with this delicious Smiley Negg.
    Smiley Negg
    A delicate hand painted swirl of pastel colours make this Easter Negg extremely collectable.
    Pastel Swirl Easter Negg
    Aww this Easter Negg is almost too pretty to eat.
    Floral Easter Negg
    This unusual Easter Negg fills the room with a delicate floral fragrance.
    Scented Easter Negg
    This beautiful Easter Negg has a Dark Faerie painted on it.
    Faerie Easter Negg
    An extremely rare negg indeed.  This Easter Negg is no relation to the Fish Negg, but it looks very pretty.
    Fishy Easter Negg
    A true work of art, every Easter Negg is hand painted, so each one is unique.
    Pink Swirly Easter Negg
    A pretty collectable item or a tasty treat!
    Checkered Easter Negg
    This Easter Negg has a particularly seasonal design painted on it.
    Spring Flowers Easter Negg
    A pretty collectable item or a tasty treat!
    Purple Swirls Negg
    A pretty collectable item or a tasty treat!
    Stripy Easter Negg
    Half sugary sweetnesss, half sour citrus flavours.
    Sweet and Sour Negg
    A soft fudgy flavoured Negg, ooozing with maple syrup.
    Maple Syrup Negg
    This negg naturally grows with a pattern of black and white swirls on its skin.
    Decorative Negg
    Layers of red and white candy make this Negg simply delicious.  *** WORTH 6 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Candy Cane Negg
    This unusual design is painted on when the Negg becomes fully grown. *** WORTH 8 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Christmas pattern Negg
    Ouch... this Negg is super hard to bite into. *** WORTH 7 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Rock Negg
    A fragile fruit that is more for decoration than anything else.  *** WORTH 5 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Glass Negg
    Watch out, this Negg bites!
    Ferocious Negg
    Mmmm cookie..... *** WORTH 2 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Cookie Negg
    Use this Negg as a battledome weapon - it has some surprising results!
    Cracked Negg
    A shimmery wonder that is a delight to behold
    Glittering Negg
    This Neggs shell is made up of an intricate pattern of pieces of other Neggs.
    Mosaic Negg
    A lovely big negg made entirely from chocolate!
    Chocolate Negg
    Oh dear, looks like someone left this chocolate negg out in the sun for too long.
    Melted Chocolate Negg
    This chocolate negg has little bits of almond mixed into it.
    Nutty Chocolate Negg
    This Negg has little Battle Ducks painted around it.  *** WORTH 8 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Battle Duck Negg
    A swirly sweet and sour blend that is most unusual. *** WORTH 3 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Lime Swirly Easter Negg
    Ooh this Negg is very pretty! *** WORTH 5 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Ornate purple Easter Negg
    Swirls of lemon and orange run all the way through this fruity Negg. *** WORTH 4 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
    Lemon Swirly Easter Negg
    Eeep, this Negg looks rather scary. This can only be won from the Test Your Strength game.
    Mummified Negg
    This negg looks awfully freaky, are you sure you want your Neopet to eat it?
    Staring Negg
    I wonder what this Negg does to your Neopet?
    Witchy Negg
    Eeeek its a ghost, oh phew its just a Negg after all.
    Ghost Negg
    Mutated Negg
    A spooky Negg that really does taste of pumpkin.
    Pumpkin Negg

    Sloth Negg

    Jewelled Negg

    Mutant Negg

    Platinum Negg

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