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pretty in pink.


-- "Why Are you LOLing?!?!" HAHAHA ashhhhooo!
--"what rooms our exams in?" "UmmMm.. A302..4..5..???" "Alex u killed a racoon!!!" Wow.... brittney;)Member when me n you were walking to english?? And i saw some dude walking straight at me.. n i wouldnt move over and i smashed right into him??? Man.. that was embarassing!
--**proot** GAS ATTACK[[zel]]
-- All The Sens Stink... Truth hurts- They're finks [[wuv you sarah! but u do know that bruins are the best riggghhttt]]
--"Do you believe in yourself?""What kind of question is that?!I look in the mirror and see myself therefor i believe in myself...oh wait nvm i get it!" [[lol! lilest lisa. Math buddies For LIFE! our hand shake was great!]]
--"Alex...alex??LEXAY!! did u fall asleep on the toilet!? [[heehee stella]]
--"Whats your email? Where do you live"--"are you a stalker?!" "EEEEE"*flys away* ... Our Bus memories! aaawww... me and you aisha... We almost meet Mr. Car Bumper a couple of times! Luckily "Squishy noise" was there to save us![[Good memories ashoo]]
--MERCUTIO! muhahahah.. "Come closer. Dont worry we wont bite" I might have embaressed u that day but---MAN! jassie-poo is S*C*A*R*Y! LOOLZ! the cigarette stomping![[lol to my older walking buddies]]
--"ANIMAL POSSE 4LIFE !!!! we got to represent" haha! true brianna true true! Oh! Do yeah like the Pictures on the g-book??? I did it just for you heehee
--Aww thx for gettin me my ice cream stelli;)
-- eee* my stomach hurts!! i shouldnt of eaten that 3-scoop-icecream sundae but its sooooo goooooood! lol me penpal buddy
--"haha i can do 2 things at once ... blow dry my hair " Im so Talented..but im burning my head " haha bianca!
-- Let the Power of the Italian Flag be with You! yeah cuzy! "what do you think of your cousin?" *kisses finger* "OoOoo yeah" LOL that was too funny! What about "Im talented! i can dry my hair and talk to you at the same time.. but my head is getting a little hot!" GHAHAHA

Qu0tes-The Sequil

--Lisa!! Did yah see the little white stick-person dancing dude beside the 'pretty in pink thing'??? Its like those people we drew in math classs! you know.. the crazy egyptian guys! aww
--Do Know You that theres alot of hott guys?Mr.Paul walker... malfoy--**PAUL**!BUT ORLANDO BLOOM IS MINE[[;)anna;)]]
--Moira=Macaroni--member mini me?? DONUT!!HA! thats mean! oh and thx for letting me borrow ur mexican husband!
--"Leanna. i mean... LIANA i gots an idea--ALLS((heehee..alls...)) Alls we gotsta do is take da bigest string we can find n' two stirophone cups n we have sum high-tech spy equipment!"
--ANIMAL POSSE 4 LIFE! "who....WHO WHO WHO would say that!" lol haha!
--"do you bite your thumb at us sir? No sir, i do not bite my thumb at you sir, but i do bite my thumb, sir.Do you quarell sir? Is the law on our side if i say 'ai'.NO! No,sir.I do not quarell, sir" Man do i ever sound like a nerd..HAHA! i can't believe i actually remember that! Man anna... me& u reciting Romeo and Juliet..How cool are WE!! [[anna,& sarah]]
--"You guys should try out for Football or something!!" Yes We should cuz we're "ACTIVE" hahaha! raz, stella, brianna, ashoo... that was great! i dont think your ate knew why we were laughing after she said that razel!!!

Qu0tes, 3rd Times A Charm

--"theres pen on your face!" "Where?" "Right There!!!" --20 minutes later-- "ALEX IS IT GONE!?" [[Britt! what a classic;)but u've had ur revenge-so peace for next year-tee-hee]]
--Steph-Baby Face! heehee now i finally know what he looks like!
--"no no no alex is a big fat blurb with no face arms or legs...she just rolls around everywhere and knocks tchi down" MEANIE LAURA!
-- Razel... me n' ur wacko inside jokes... N0se Hanger! Hee Haw.... My nice lil stories bout smiles and the NewRo... Did u know that George is my best friend...uh huh..TIS true razel do thee believe thy.
--Gr.8... Grade eight beholded lots of great memories treena;) *star*bursts* tastes good....EEEWWWW nvm.....matt damon heehee! Your dance! I know where its from! Lah Lah... Treena dancing in the raiiiiinnn! [[Lol Treena and Ma Math Buddie Lisa]]
-- Your the Bestest walking buddie for life Raz! you made me run across the road all by myself! I had to dodge all those scary cars :'( hehe
--me and lee-lee watch that chinese show where people fall and hurt themselves and we laugh.. cuz its funny!
--?K ready this is how its gonna go down? leanna and razel get in there, then come out then me stella and aisha will go in next then you duck down and then get out?ready go??Aisha Your crushing meeee? ?MY foot! my foot!? ?Push over!? ?haha? lol guys I think I learned a very important lesson from that wonderful night at the movies?. *Do Not try to fit 5 people in a 2person photo booth!* [[leanna,stella,zellie,aisha]]

Qu0tes, Quadruplets

-fluorescent hair< “my finger my finger! SARAH its burnnnns”! “oh.. anywaysss!” mean mean child! Haha my last day of school-and you were there with me for the whooooole day hahaha! “gthghudef” “what?” *finished the whole muffin I stuffed in my face* “I said NOoO!” hahhaha.. That was great in English sarah!
- “hey its alex in a box!” lmbo sarah and stef.t!!!
- id like to thank the IT for the following: putting cake on my face, scaring me with it’s eyes during candyman<> also I would like to thank her for: squishing that chocolate, and for being so mean to me :’( whhaaa hahaha no I love you bri you little blurb!!
- steph—“where are you christmas… blablabla find you??” aww what a little guy!
- HAHAH! Omg.. how could I forget the two trouble makers.. a.k.a RAZEL AND JENNA((s *double OOOO* jin))… how could I forget you two??hm… lets see- opening the bathroom door.. not once.. not twice but three times! Then jenna goes and says “don’t come in the bathroom door doesn’t lock!” HMM… and then.. our slick plan with the ketchup chips. Hahah why didn’t you tell me I was eating them.. and razel. Tsk tsk.. the cleaning woman-hahaha I have the picture of you!
- jenna.. your crazy.. haha me and brianna were under the table pulling off ur socks and you were freaking out and screaming lol! Hahahah “don’t call him benny-his name is BEN!” a couple of days later jenna calls him benny.. hahhaha thanks jenna for the banner-*tear* *tear*
- lisa hahahah ohmigosh! Remember benny??? The grade nine dude~ we’d say hi to him in the halls and he would just ignore us! How rude! WE are in the dictionary-me and you! gwee'do hahaha
- Stephanie kazie!!! Member our notes… lol “this is my boyfriend he is hot” .. yes your stick man was very attractive! Hahha stupid gr.9 English teacher~deducted marks on our amazing project with anna.. cuz we gave out DONUTS TO THE CLASS! Like c’mon- who wouldn’t want donuts! Lol anna and steph-that project was greeeeat!

Qu0tes-Number 5

- stella!! *scrubs floor with tissue..* “lexy try to wet the Kleenex.. it’ll work better!” *spits on tissue* “hahah no alex.. I meant with water!” LOL! That was too funny
- Pretty zaiz! Im gonna miss being your art buddie! Keep in touch and keep me up-to-date with you and your guy. Aww you used to be in my math class but noooo you had to switch! Haha our art masks.. omg hahah zaiz u looke so different with your mask on heehee it was fun putting it on.. me and jenna loved the silence after your lips were shut! But of course, the fact that the mask was hardening didn’t stop you from talking LOL!
-Moira.. moira moira.. your growing up too fast! haha I love you girl~so much stuff about you that makes me laugh <> heehee.. razel..moira..lisa.. do ya’ll remember our good friend mr. madge?? Lol his class was soooo weird! He’d tell us stories about him getting stabbed with a ski he would ‘attack’ cars.. how he picked on “mini-me” and lisa! Mule—CANDYMAN AND CAMPINO! Hahahaha aww I remember how much you liked them and how you would tell me “I love him… campino is so hott!!” ohmigosh—remember campino’s cousin?? Anthony… he sat infront of us in science and you would always be like “CAMPINO …blahblahblah” **bootilicious** wow… our dance
-“GO TO YOUR CLOSET AND PRAY!” lmbo morissa!
- Leebee! I love your family~they’re the greatest! Muahha did you like my littlejames bond thriller???

·•·•<3i luv ya guys so much<3•·•·