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Brite's Happy Lil Web Home

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Every blade of grass
has an angel that bends over it
and softly whispers,
"Grow! Grow!"

May my pages help those who visit them to "grow"
mentally and spritually.
Help those that do not understand, to understand.
Those that do not have tolerance to tolerate.
And those that are seeking, to find what thier hearts or lives are missing.
Peace to you along your journey. ~Annie

Hello Everyone! :D I hope you are having a sunshine filled day! Feel free to buzz about my pages.

This site is a work in progess. Enjoy your time here! :D

About Me...

Location: Somewhere on the shores of Lake Erie


I enjoy learning new things. I love to read about spirituality, travel and I love to spend time outdoors (golf!!). Who would have thought chasing a little white ball would be so much fun?I am helping others get healthy as a fitness trainer and instructor at my gym. I write and illustrate children's stories and I am hoping on getting my 1st book published.

What makes me special????

I am one of a kind. I am unique. I do not follow any certain path, but I forge ahead to find the unfamiliar scenic route and untraveled road. I find peace in being outdoors. I fitness walk and workout for time alone and tranquility. My favorite sound is the innocent laughter of children. My favorite food at the moment is fresh fruit (CARBS!! Shame on me!!). I love my family and the few people I call true friends. I love to sing and dance and laugh. I collect "vintage" 1980's scratch n' sniff stickers, not for their monetary worth, but because of the joy and memories they bring of my childhood. I have treasured secrets locked away which no one holds the key. I am honest and I try to show compassion for all living creatures. Each day I wake up, I want to be a better person than I was the day before. As most people, I do have some regrets in life that have taught me valuable lessons. I love organization and am known to be a "neat freak." A clean home is a happy home. :o) I hate clutter! I love eBay because it allows me to get rid of things that aren't in use, therefore eliminating clutter! ;) I am learning to walk closer with God I have asked Jesus Christ into my heart and am born again through Him! I am who I am because of the journeys I have traveled. Each grain of sand on the shore makes a solid surface on which to tread. The foundation of my life and the experiences I have lived have made me the woman that I am. I am greatful for all the life experiences I have had, good and bad.

My Titles

Christian Mother Wife Lover Daughter Grandaughter Sister Friend Perfectionist Sister in Beta Sigma Phi Artist Author Fitness Freak WOMAN


"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. And dance like no one is watching."

"If we fill our hours with regrets of yesterday and with worries of tomorrow, we will have no today in which to be thankful."

There IS a place you can touch a woman to drive her absolutely crazy.....HER HEART!

My Dreams

To be appreciated for who I am and what I think and feel. To never be a puppet or Barbie doll for anyone. To have my opinions and veiw points be of value. To be 1st chair and important to someone. To be known in life as more than someone's wife, someone's mother, someone's daughter or someone's grand daughter. To have my own identity. To make the world a better place simply by living in it. To allow myself to dream and to once and a while let the wind carry me softly to the next journey for my life.

What Are We Doing??

This summer we have tried to take the focus off of ourselves and our problems and concetrate on helping others. In doing so we have been blessed, not in a way that will solve our financial burdens from our son's ordeal or family medical issues, but the kids and I have been blessed through experience. Read on to see what we have done this summer.

Our first event was baking cupcakes for the Home of Hope in our home town. Home of Hope is a non-profit organization that provides transitional housing for women who have served time in jail or a drug treatment facility but are not ready to be on their own yet. When we took the cupcakes to the home the ladies there were so happy because they just don't get to get treats like that very often as they are on a tight budget for necessities. The lady that ran the place was crying when she thanked us, we stood in the pouring rain together and just cried.

We went to a nursing home and took pinwheels to the 36 Alzheimer’s patients. My grandfather had Alzheimer’s and he loved toys, they made him laugh and smile and in my thoughts made him innocent and childlike. One of the sweet patients at the home offered to buy my kids for $1000 each, I smiled and said they are worth far more than that but we can come and visit! My kids just giggled at her offer. The patients there loved to blow the pinwheels and watch them spin. And by the time we left each one was carrying their colorful treasure and showing the staff. We are happy that we are able to brighten the lives of some people that have very little hope and in this case very few memories. Hopefully we created a good memory even if it only lasts briefly, their smiles will last in our hearts forever. And in doing so, our own problems with medical bills may not have be solved short of selling off my kids lol, but it sure seems a lot less important in the grand scheme of life.

We picked up litter along 2 long roads that seem to get overlooked by the county clean up committees. We got 6 huge leaf bags full of trash! Can you imagine how much trash is lying around in your area too?? How sad. People really need to realize that ONE person and their action really DOES matter. We are going to recycle all the cans we found. We sure have enjoyed doing our good deeds and have been blessed in other ways other than our finances. So we are grateful for the footprints the people we have met have left on our hearts. Compassion is a wonderful lesson my children are learning from this. And I am so blessed.

We made a Thank You Poster for our Veterans. We then took it to the Soldiers and Sailors Home and visited the veterans there. I have a brother, my cousin’s husband and very good friend in Iraq. We are so proud of our military. Veterans at any age should be honored. Please remember the veterans in your area. The freedom you celebrate was not free... the cost was high and our soldiers paid and are still paying the price.

The kids are collecting aluminum cans this and taking them to the steelyard. The local fire station has an account with the steel yard where all money collected from aluminum cans, doors or scrap metal in the name of the fire station goes to ST Vincent’s Children’s Burn Unit. So far they have collected over 2 huge leaf bags full of cans. Last year the cans the fire station collected added up to over $1300. Doesn't it just make more sense to collect cans for a cause instead of recycling them just for pocket change? You can check your local scrap yard and see if there are any programs like this in your area! This is a new project we just found out about and are going to continue doing!!


My Poetry Page!

My Ebay Page.. Come see what I've got on auction today!

World Wide Gem Source. There is a lot of nice bling on this site.. wipe the drool off your lips ladies. Nice people too.

Golden Palace... Fun on the internet! Great games and prizes here!

Great auction advice and graphics and templates to make your auctions cute. the site for out of the ordinary eBay.

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The Sandpipers Haven

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