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today the pups had their first "meal" of puppy mash, getting more on them than in them!! Later Mama cleaned them up and gave them a drink at the "milk bar". They're enjoying playing with each other and toys. Weather permitting they'll be having their first/brief outdoors adventure very soon!

the girls are doing well eating so Mama is taking much deserved breaks as they start on puppy food, we are still waiting for the Sun to come out here!!

gangs first visit outdoors @ 30 days

after the "excitement" it was time to nap

@ 5wks

On October 27th @ 5.6 wks

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Copyright © 2003,2004,2005, 2006 Whipowil Labradors

***These pages & their content are the sole property of Beverly Chapman and can not be linked to, reproduced or tampered with, Violators understand that by doing so they may be prosecuted***

On November 6th 2004 a deranged "Stalker / Hacker" gained access to my web-shell and deleted my entire site. I'll be redoing everything shortly, check back for updates.