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Will's Complete Guide to Installing Invision Board (IBF) On WinNT, Win2K, And WinXP With IIS

Warning: This Guide is not officially supported by Invision Board nor Invision PS!!

Version 1.2
Wrote 100% In NotePad

Wrote By:

Will (War59312)
NewbiesLair Founder (

1. Required
Requires you to download:

Invision Board, PHP, MYSQL, Active Perl, and the DBD Files

IIS Must Be Installed

I only wrote this for use on my WinXP Pro. Computer Running IIS 5.1 but I'm sure this will also work with WinNT and Win2k running IIS.

Please make sure you have the newest build of Invision Board. (ibf)

It's Downloadable for free at:


In order to run ibf you first must be on WinXP, Win2K or WinNT. Again IIS must be installed. So install IIS if it's not already. Read this if you need help installing IIS:

When You Install IIS Make Sure You Install At Least These In This Picture:

Also you may need to set user permissions for IIS. Skip this for now, but come back if you have problems with IIS.

Step by Step Instructions With Pictures: m/gcfboard/user1.htm

Skip this for now and come back later if you need to:

Also, if you have the URLScan tool created by Microsoft:

The URLScan tool will filter URLs for characters and strings typical to malicious requests, such as certain default extensions (.printer, .idc, .ida) and characters (&, most noteably).

You might need to edit your urlscan.ini file which is in
C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\urlscan or in C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan.

Discovered this after the first step of sm_install.php and I was getting a 404. Checked the logs and noticed that URLScan had filtered out the request.

2. Install PHP
PHP must be installed in order to use IBF.

Current download is this one:

http://www.php .net/distributions/php-4.2.1-installer.exe

Install PHP (Just run the installer)

If you still need help with PHP go here: ual/en/
3. Extract IBF Files
Next you need to extract all of the files of ibf to:


Note: (these are the files you downloaded from

Note: (The x is your local disk drive and were IIS is installed)

Go to:


Copy all files in this folder to:


Now delete this folder:


So now you have all the files that were in the upload directory in the ibf directory.

Now open internet explorer (or any other internet browser)
and point your browser to:


And now the ibf installer should open.

If it's just plan old text then PHP was not installed correctly.

If it looks like this then it installed correctly:

4. Install MYSQL
Now to install MYSQL

Download the latest stable build of mysql here: s/MySQL-3.23/

Now install mysql. Just run the installer.

Now go to:


X is your drive were you installed mysql to

Open winmysqladmin.exe

It will then ask you to create a user name and pw

Don't forget this info (you will need it so save it some place safe)

Note: This is the info you will enter when you run the installer for ib3.

Now if you look near your clock you will see the stop light icon,
click it (may need to right click on it) and then click show me.

This is will reopen winmysqladmin.exe.

Now choose the Databases tab

Now under databases (left side of the screen) you should see:, or your ip address)

Now Right click on your ip address (mine is

Choose Create Database

Here is a picture so you know what your looking for:

A New window opens up

Type in ibf in this new window and click create the database,
then close that window and close this program we are using.

Mysql Is Now Installed

5. Install Active Perl
Download ActivePerl: ActivePerl-

Now install ActivePerl

All you do is run the installer and that's it.

Open IIS (Please make sure this is installed or this guide won't help you)

Take A Look At This Picture First:

Right click and choose properties on your web site under:

XXX (local computer)
Web Sites
XXX (your web site)

Click the home directory tab

Under Neither Local Path Check

Script source access
log visits
index this resource

See Execute Permissions? Set it to Scripts and Executables.

It's towards the bottom of this page.

Now still on this tab Click the Configuration button towards the bottom of this screen

Click Add (Mappings tab)

Click browse (across from executable)

Go to your local disk in which you installed ActivePerl

Go to Perl Directory

Go to bin directory

Now at the bottom were it says: files of type

Choose "Dynamic Link libraries (*.dll)

Now choose PerlIS.dll (that's perlis.dll)

Click open

Now under extension type in .cgi

Under verbs choose limit to

Type in: GET, HEAD, POST

Click ok

Click ok again

Now go to Documents tab

Click Add

Type in php.index

Click ok

Click ok once again

Close IIS

Active Perl is now installed correctly

However if you still need help with installing ActivePerl then go here:

http://aspn.activestate .com//ASPN/Reference/Products/ActivePerl/faq/ActivePerl-faq1.html#How_do_I_ins tall_the_Perl_for_Windows

6. Install DBD Files
You're almost done.

You just need to download one more thing and
install it for use with ibf and mysql.

Download the file from here: wbieslair/

Now extract all those files in that zip file to this folder:


X is again the drive you installed ibf to

Now Open a DOS Prompt

You can do this by clicking the start button then:

and then Command Prompt

In the Command Prompt type in:


Here is a picture so you know what it should look like:

Now type in (Remember the X is the drive were ibf and mysql are installed):

Install X:\install\DB_File.ppd

Once it's done:

Type In:

Install X:\install\DBD-Mysql.ppd

Once it's done:

Type In:

Install X:\install\DBI.ppd

Once it's done:

Type In:

Install X:\install\DBIx-AnyDBD.ppd

Now once this last one is done close the Command Prompt.

Now open Internet Explorer and go to:


Now follow the on screen info.

Your info is as follows:

Database name: ibf
Database host: localhost
Password: the password you made above with mysql
Username: the username you made above with mysql

You're done!!

7. E-mail Server (SMTP)
In order to run your own SMTP Server the SMTP Server Must Be installed.

If you don't wish to setup your own SMTP Server, but still want to use the mail functions for the board then skip down to Part B. (Note: Since I'm only testing IBF I simply use as the SMTP server. However you can use any SMTP server you have access to.)

Part A:

Open IIS

Go down to Default SMTP Virtual Server

Right click on it and choose properties

go to the access tab (like below):

Click the Relay button Under Replay restrictions

Looks something like this now:

When you first install  the SMTP server it has restrictions on it so that only certain IPs can relay, all others must authenticate. Of course you will want to allow your server to relay. With the way spam is these days, most people block anonymous relaying in their e-mail servers, so I recommend the same.

Choose Only the list below on the above screen.

Now uncheck on that screen: "All all computers which successfully authenticate to replay, regardless of the list above."

Now on that same screen click the add button.

Now set the settings on this screen like you want them.

It's up to you.

I choose single computer and simply typed in my ip address were I installed ibf.

Make sure all your settings are right. I found that e-mail functions would not work until you change that value to an IP address that the SMTP server is using.

You can now set up all the other settings how you like them as well.

Part B:

Once you are done with that you will need to edit the below file in order for the board's e-mail system to work:


Search For This Line:

SMTP = localhost ; for Win32 only

Change localhost to your SMTP server and now the board's e-mail settings will work. Localhost may work for you, but I doubt it. Make sure you set it to the ip address the SMTP server is using, not either.

Note: Since I'm only testing IBF I simply used as the SMTP server. However you can use any SMTP server you have access to.

Done with that.

You can also try this mail server if you would like:

ArGoSoft Mail Server is fully functional STMP/POP3/Finger server for Windows, which will let you turn your computer into the email system. It's very compact, takes only about 1Mb of disk space, does not have any specific memory requirements, and what is the most important - it's very easy to use. ArGoSoft Mail Server Plus adds password protected Administration mode, distribution lists, auto responders, basic filters, a built in Web server and more.

Download It Here

8. Extra Info.
Also, just for your information:

Well since IBF uses mysql I recommend that you download a program called phpmyadmin. ( to edit your mysql data tables. You might want to use it in the future.

Download Here:

Well enjoy, and I hope everything goes well for you.

Also, I know you don't need Perl to run IBF, but I choose to install it since many users wish to run Perl scripts along with PHP.

Also, you may wish to download phpMyBackup from:


This will allow you to backup your MYSQL database in case your database becomes corrupted.


9. You're Done
Take Care,

Will (War59312)
NewbiesLair Founder (

Warning: This Guide is not officially supported by Invision Board nor Invision PS!!