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Are you CRaZY?

Step Inside My Life

Yo-Yo Trick or Masturbation Term?

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Who are they?
Who are you?

Why'd you have to go and get my dog all mad?

se87girl: "Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake."

~Read on, read on~ Update, kinda sorrta- and a preview of what is yet to come... [Thursday, Sept. 04, 2003: 3:14 PM] I have decided that if I can't be honest on here- then I can not be honest anywhere- SO from now on, I am not holding back anything. If I mention something on here about you (you being a general term) and you are offended by it- I'm sorry. If you feel that I should have said something, I have no appologies. When I write something on here, it is to think. It's to get everything in my head out on to "paper". Many times I will write something and be over it the minute I post it. This diary does that to me. It is my release from everyday life. I have posts to make and no time to post them: So I am going to give you a preview. 1. Scott and his new girl. I knew the time would come. 2. Mike and me being scared. It's that whole newness of a relationship that scares me. I want him to know my quirks, to an extent, I expect him to know them. I am actually going to talk to him about this tonight. I owe him somewhat of an appology. 3. Kate. Yes, I know I said I would not write about her anymore. But losing a friend, someone I trusted to an extent, of almost 6 years, hurts. And I am not going to pretend like it doesn't. 4. Great America. 5. My fixation with homosexuality and my needing to not focus on it. Jeff and Josh are so much more than GAY. And that's all I see at times because, well, I don't know why. That is why I need to write about it. 6. Rob. I have been emailing him back and forth and I'm worried about him. I want to know that he is safe and I want to know when he is coming home. 7. My car and my grandma. 8. Funny story about Mau (I need to add him to the cast list) and his flea meds. 9. Fleabag needs to be added to the cast list too. 10. Limited Too. I need to let everyone know about that, who wasn't around when I worked there. The Road Of A Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step

My inner workings revealed!