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Greetings Friends!

We are a Christian Israel home-based outreach ministry in Lewiston, Maine. Thanks for stopping by to visit our website.

We have noticed that the pulpits of America tend to preach a lot of watered down mush that neither convicts the sinner nor inspires the saint. The righteous and just requirements of the Almighty are ignored, thus making the gospel of no effect.

 People who are basically good have no need of a Savior. The message delivered is that God is all love and tolerance, a big effeminate wimp in the sky. Those who hate God have nothing to fear, and those who love Him nothing to have confidence in.

 The terrible suffering of Christ at Golgatha is made to be more of a masochistic perversion than the vicarious payment, made by God Incarnate, of a debt required of us by His perfect and just Law.

 Christ is seen to be sitting in Heaven, benevolently winking at the foibles of man. In fact, He awaits patiently on His Throne, deeply offended by the stench of depravity that rises from this wicked land... Waiting for the cup of iniquity to overflow... At which time He will arise, bearing His swift and terrible Sword to tread yet once more the winepress of His wrath.

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