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In 1999, the year my Dad passed away, I was asked if I might write a song for the dedication of our Royal Canadian Legion Wall Mural. What an amazing honor for me and what a tribute to the man that molded me into the woman I am today. The words flowed from the tip of my pen...almost as if guided by my Dad. I sent my "poem" to Kim Cote....a very dear friend of mine and an incredibly talented musician. Well....Kim took my words and brought them to life with the most amazing melody. Blind since birth, Kim is perhaps the most "Sighted" man I know. The "rat a tat tat" of the drums reaches deep into the soul and is so hauntingly beautiful. The day of the unveiling, when I sang the song for the first time, I truely felt my Dad's arm around me ♥ How very blessed I am!! Please....turn your volume up...close your eyes....and give thanks for the sacrifices made by so many!! WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!

Painted on our Royal Canadian Legion Wall, the mural depicts the men and women of our community who served in the wars. My Dad stands proudly in the front row...leaning on his crutches. Dad was wounded in the Korean War, but continued to serve in the Canadian Armed Forces for 25 years!!

Like all members of the Armed Forces...these men and women stand proudly.....shoulder to shoulder....comrades in arms...linked by the poppy that commemorates their love of country. I am so proud of my Dad and miss him so much...but his legacy lives on in his family. His spirit and his love, fills our cups to overflowing.

This beautiful portrait was drawn by our son Nick and was gifted to "Grandma" on her 65 birthday. It now hangs proudly on our wall. When I look at it...the tears creep down my cheeks....not from sadness...but from sheer joy!! The joy of being both a Mother....AND a Daughter...*S* With Nick's permission I used his portrait and created an animated image...that speaks from my heart and from the hearts of those who loved this wonderful man. I hope that my Dad's image somehow becomes a symbol for many who have lost loved ones through the atrocities of war.