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Phyllis's Backgrounds & Alphabets

Here are my own backgrounds and alphabets, which you may freely download and use in any non-profit way. You may not add them to any off-line or on-line collections or post them for downloading from any other site without my written permission.
These images are protected by copyright law.
WebTV users, please do not link to these images. It puts too great a load on my ISP.

 Zodiac Backgrounds
Alternate Zodiac Backgrounds
 SemiWild Backgrounds
 Split Backgrounds
 Strip Backgrounds
Nature Backgrounds
Once-New Backgrounds
 Music Backgrounds
 Household ToolsBackgrounds
Western Backgrounds
 Pet Backgrounds
 Plaids and Dots Backgrounds
 Babies & ChildrenBackgrounds
Tame Backgrounds
White Alphabet
Crayon Alphabet
Alphabet Blocks
Classical Ornaments
School and Learning
Red & Tan Alphabet
 Quilt Backgrounds  Sports Backgrounds  Abstract Backgrounds
 Unobtrusive Backgrounds
 Floral Backgrounds
 Metallic Patterns
 Tiny Backgrounds
 Natural Patterns
  Antique ABC Blocks
Bordered Backgrounds 
Liturgical Backgrounds
Right Hand Backgrounds

 Borders #2

Pacific Northwest
 iMac Backgrounds
 Monthly Headers 
and Images
 Botanical Backgrounds
 Elegant Backgrounds
  Marbled Backgrounds
 Parchment PageSets
 Patriotic PageSets

©1996-2004 Phygraphics

To link to this page, use this button:Phyllis's Backgrounds


To email me: remove the zero

Updated 3/6/04