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Toontown Advice Divas

Sound advice from three toontown divas!

Dear Advice Divas;
I am new to toontown and I don't know why I can't make friends with any high laffer toons. I mean, I've run to all of the areas, bravely throwing myself onto elevators to show just how much I am willing to get sad just to play with them and all I get for it is "I think this is too risky for you" or "Stop that!" What gives? Can't they see that underneath my 15 laff and level 1 gags beats the heart of a fearless toon warrior? And when I do get sad in a building do I run cowardly back to Mickey’s? No! I stay right outside the elevator waiting to congratulate them but all they do is port away and leave me standing forlornly wishing they would take pity on me and add me to their list. Please tell me what I should do to get these bigger toons to play with me.

Signed 15 laff He-Man

From MissBBP: Report to me immediately in Toontown Central on the Loopy Valley district. I can use you're fightin' spirit to defeat my 400 bossbots. Once we monkey stomp our way through some tasks for you I'll take ya to DD with me and we'll milk them boss buildings for mondo points so we can get you some hard hitting gags lil one. WOOT! Welcome to Toontown!

From Katsandra Picklebee:
How's it going? I'm glad you love this game, and want to have a full friends list. However, why don't we back up a little, I can smell the sardine you ate. You naughty kitty.
The best way to get friends is to start slow, be helpful, in a way you can manage. First, make sure that you can help. Get that toonup that you get offered (unless you are in that "the Geese" tribe). Then, be helpful, the way that looks good to others. Toonup little warriors like yourself on the streets of toontown.
Stop jumping into fights. Listen to what those big toons you admire are saying... "I think this is too risky for you"... well, they don't want you to get sad... so make it so that you won't. Get all gagged up, and work on it. No warrior goes into a fight without training. So gather up your scoobies and get to training. Work on clearing up toontown, starting with the big boss' land. Or if you want a challenge, try out the rough docks. But wait for the buildings until you can take down a few cogs at once, alone on the streets.

From Dear Iggie:
Dear 15 laff He-Man,

Well, while I'm sure you think you're going to be a big help to people, please try to use a little common sense. At 15 laff and level 1 gags, you're not going to be much other than cog fodder anywhere outside the streets of the Toontown Central Playground. As for throwing yourself into elevators, I can understand you want to help and show what a great toon warrior you are, but let's be realistic. You are simply wasting not only your time, but also the time of the more advanced toons around you if you're jumping into their elevators uninvited.
Please work on bettering your toon (and make sure you choose Toonup for your first track!) and start out with the easier buildings with groups of your own. I'd suggest not even setting foot into a building until you're at least 21 laff, even if it's a one-level building in TTC.
Please know your limits - a 15-laff toon has no business being outside of TTC *unless* it is simply going to see what all the areas are that are open on the map before they head on back to TTC to work on building up their tasks and getting new ones. Just be patient and your the time will come when you're welcome in big buildings. Just keep in mind, though, that you should always ask the group at a building if they need help before assuming that you are welcome in their group.

Dear Advice Divas;
I belong to a popular toontown fansite message board and I am really upset by all of the jerks that flame me every time I bring up stuff I don't like about the game. Like all the kids that play the game. Boy those little brats really tick me off. They stand on my fishing lures and ruin my gaming experience. Man they must have lousy parents if they just park em in front of the PC to annoy people like ME who pay to play this game. $5.95 a month isn't cheap you know, that's 3 Prozac! Then there's that "knitting circle" bunch of broads that has nothing better to do than flame me. Oh the burden I bear to bring enlightenment to these unappreciative macaroni-heads. Perhaps I should just stop playing? Or should I continue to suffer this abuse in dignified hysterics? I feel as if my reserves are wearing down and I may not remain much longer...

Signed Sticky Side Up

From: MissBBP:
Thought I already told you! Take some Midol and wear them things sticky side DOWN! Didn't you get the message? Oh got yanked before you could see it hee hee hee

From Katsandra Picklebee:
Sticky Side,
Oooh, you have some kinda problem. What I like to do is if I don't like the crowd, I leave the scene. You have to imagine if you are getting "flamed" that maybe you are the only person with this opinion. Is anyone standing up FOR you? Maybe you should examine what you are standing for. Maybe you would be better suited for an "Anti-neglect" or "family values" type of group instead of assuming what other "parents" are doing with their children. I mean, even if there are kids "parked" here... I think you have to take it down a notch. They are little kids and this is a KIDS GAME. nuff said.

From Dear Iggie:
Let me quote you something from Disney's website -

5. What is the appropriate age for Disney’s Toontown Online?
Toontown is for kids ages seven and up.

Notice that? While there are indeed quite a large amount of adults who play this game, we need to keep in mind that Toontown is for KIDS. If you don't like it, you can always leave.
Now, assuming that you stay, look at it this way - $5.95 a month is DIRT CHEAP for an online game of this nature. You should be happy that Disney is only charging us $5.95 for an account, AND you can have up to six characters of your own on that account - that's $1 a month per person if you've got 6 people playing! Show me a better price than this and I'll show you a game that's nowhere near the quality that is inherent in this game because it's Disney.
As for the parenting skills of others, how DARE you assume to know anything about the way other people raise their children? When I am childless, I do not automatically assume that all "griefers" in the game are children. Also, when kids DO indeed do things like standing on your lure - SO WHAT? This is a GAME, and it's there for people to have fun, which is what I'm sure those stepping into the ponds are doing.
As for the group that you feel has nothing better to do than flame you, let me say this "pot... kettle... black." I have seen some of these discussions and it seems to me that ANYONE who don’t' agree 100% with you is flaming you. Now, really - just deal with the fact that not everyone thinks like you and TRY to move on with your life.
As for stopping playing, if Toontown and its players are causing you to need Prozac, or worrying you that you can't afford your Prozac or any other meds you may need to be on, then PLEAQSE leave. If you're not having fun, then those who attempt to play whit you surely won't have fun. Please do what’s best for all and take a break for a week, month, or however long it takes you to calm down and be able to play nicely with others.
Again, PLEASE do not assume that all who disagree with you are flaming - they may have valid points and when you attack them, YOU are the one who looks bad. Now pardon me while I return to my needlepoint...

Dear Advice Divas;
I am addicted to toontown. I don't cook meals like I used to, it's all take out or frozen dinners in the microwave. I am down to two showers a week and I haven't done laundry in about 3 weeks. My kids went to school yesterday in their Sunday dressy clothes because that all they had left in their closets. Are there any support groups for people like me? We're down to just 2 rolls of toilet paper and I can't logoff to go buy more!

Signed Too much tooning

From MissBBP: Sorry, can't type, bashing bossbots in DL...

From Katsandra Picklebee:
Too much!

I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. Here's what you should do. Ease yourself off. You are probably hanging out in dreamland anyway. So why don't you sit on the pillow for a while and go to sleep. Your toon is TIRED. Trust me.

Pry your fingers from the keyboard. Jeesh, take a shower. Before you do that, start that first load of laundry. Take your time, Chewy, you have a lot of leg to shave.... Get out, dry off, and put another load in. Put that first one in the dryer (repeat until done). Now, while you are doing laundry and you are all non-smelly again, why don't you take out your SUV and tromp down to the store... buy your groceries. Ooooh, look at all the pretty toilet paper. Ah, back again... laundry please....
Now, your fridge probably can't fit all you put in there, why don't you make some things. How about a lot of things... during this, switch your laundry. Make the food for the week, you can do it... Try on "Swedish Meatballs". Takes no time at all and are SO good.
All done! Amazing. Oooh, you wanna get back to toontown, eh? Ok. Do a building. Now fold a basketful of clothes. Put it away. Do another building. See how easy this is? In the future. Take off a day; your kids don't remember what you look-like without a keyboard attached to you. The best part? When you take off a day or two, it gives your kids time to play, and it is THAT much better when you get back. Good luck!

From Dear Iggie:
Dear Too much tooning,

While I can sympathize with you in that I, too, love Toontown, it's time to take a break. If your real life is suffering because of your online life, it's time to make a break. There are no real support groups for people like you, but I do suggest you unplug the computer for a while and spend some quality time with your family. Toontown's great, but nothing beats being surrounded by the REAL people who love and rely on you. I highly suggest that in spite of weaning yourself off Toontown, you probably need to speak with a professional about what's lacking in your life that has allowed this game to overtake it. Please get help so that you will not lose your family.