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THOMAS P. LAVIN - Resume of July 7, 2003


744 Barrington Circle, Winter Springs, FL 32708
(407) 365-9363


Master of Business Management Candidate, Pennsylvania State University, Middletown, PA, Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA


Over 25 years of experience with high technology military and commercial electronic and avionic equipment design, fabrication, test, operation, and support. Extensive experience with micro, mini, and mainframe computer and network hardware and software systems administration including data base analysis, design and development, test, verification and validation, modeling and simulation, applications, integration, computer mapping and GIS, downsizing, data communication/ protocols, system engineering, programming, technical writing, ILS, and CALS. Thorough and methodical problem solver, outstanding manager/speaker/writer, strong supervisory leader while under schedule and cost pressure with strong business skills and well versed in all aspects of research/risk analysis, marketing, presentations, proposal writing, and source selection. Current TOP SECRET DoD Security Clearance. Current experience as Systems Administrator for Solaris/NT network, Project Coordinator/Senior Engineer/Test Director under DoD acquistion process, S.O.W. and specification writing, proposal analysis, Standardized Software Development, continuous verification and validation of hardware and object-oriented software at all levels of development including test plan and procedure writing, quality assurance, installations and testing with DoD's DII COE and GCCS, ABCS, MCS, ASAS, FBCB2, AFATDS, AMDWS, CSSCS, HLA, RTI, DIS, ModSAF, DTS, STRIPES, VRLink, DIS-Daemon in a Unix Environment with Novell Ethernet, 10/100 Base T, Gigabit Ethernet, Copper and FDDI networks, Fore and Cisco switches and various hubs. Strong background with computer-based skills including requirements analysis, software development and test with technical writing. Programming and analyst background using a wide range of languages, debuggers and data base management, spreadsheet, and data communication packaged macros. such as: Access, xBASE, Excel, 1-2-3, Crosstalk, Procomm, Carbon Copy, Kermit and Relay Gold. Technical user of communications packages and protocols such as: Netscape, Mosaic, IE, Lynx, Telnet (rlogin), Kermit, FTP, TCP&UDP/IP on private and public networks such as Internet. Word Processing using Word, WordPerfect, & Claris; SGML, XML, PHP and HTML tagged documents using editors such as Fireworks, Composer, WordPerfect Intellitag, Claris Works, BBEdit, HotDog, Dreamweaver, Web Whacker and Grab-A-Site, NaviPress, WWWWeaver, Image Styler, FrontPage, Frontier, Claris Page, PageMill. Maintaining multiple user electronic mailboxes, voice mail and fax mail using CC:mail, Pine, Elm, Lynx, Lotus, Netscape and Outlook. Maintaining websites (anonymous and password FTP capability). Local Area Network installations with Novell Netware, 3COM and Sun NFS/Samba LAN installations with multiple servers to accomplish Web Service, News Service, Directory Service, Chat Service, Mail Service, Search Service, and CUSeeMe Video Conferencing Mbone Reflector Service. Other experience: Total, ADSO, SPSS, ColdFusion, MySQL, GenSym G2, JDK, Java Studio, Java Workshop, VisualAge for Java, Active Perl, SQL Anywhere, Iptscrae, Oracle, Informix, Paradox, R:BASE, Standard Query Language (SQL)(SQLPLUS), Basic, C, TCL, Perl, Java SDK, C++, Fortran, LISP, Pascal, Ada 83/95, COBOL, Visual Basic, Visual J++, Visual C++, Windows SDK, DOS Batch scripts, Unix Shell Scripts, SQL Scripts, MySQL Scripts, crontab scripts, Glade scripts for Linux, Apple Script, Java Script, various communication program scripts, Lingo, Logo, Hypercard, Apple's Resource Editor (RESEDIT) and Assembler (various chips), vi, xemacs, xedit, BBEdit, Hexedit, vedit and other line and full page editors. Middleware experience with Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Network DDE, Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Active X and Active X controls, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) using Interface Definition Language (IDL), Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object-Oriented Design (OOD), and Object-Oriented Data Bases (OODB). Hardware (with custom software) experience includes: IBM (x86 and compatibles), DEC Alpha, Silicon Graphics, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Sun Workstations and Servers, Motorola Power PC, WANG VS, Perkin Elmer, Data General, Alpha Micro, Commodore, Kaypro, Texas Instruments, Zenith, NEXT, Radio Shack, Apple, Cromemco, Compaq Workstations and Servers, Gateway, Panasonic, Leading Edge, MacIntosh 68K, MacIntosh Power PC, IBM 4381, IBM 3090, and DEC VAX. Operating system and related tools experience includes: DOS, Windows 95 98 NT 3.51 and 4, Unix, Solaris, Irix, HPUX, Linux variants, MacOS, MVS, TSO, VM, and CMS. Peripherals experience includes laser, thermal wax, dye sublimation and ink jet Postscript and non Postscript printers, image generators such as Evans and Sutherland 4530, virtual reality helmets, digitizers and tablets, mice, plotters, scanners (image and OCR), Voice Mail, Fax, Sun Sparc Cards, Sun Sparc and SGI O2 Video, Audio, and multimedia hardware, PC Cards (PCMCIA) and hardware/software design of computer telephone dialers. Experience with AutoCAD 2-13 (IGES), AutoLISP, Generic Cadd, Versa CAD, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), Digital Line Graph (DLG), Openmap, Maps, Charts (Navigation and Topography) , Geographic Information Systems (GIS) GRASS and Landview using TIGER files, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Document Imaging, CALS, Windows 95 and Windows 2000, Windows XP, X Windows, X Ware, EXceed and Hummingbird. Presentation productions with PowerPoint and Persuasion, Photoshop and ColorIt, FreeHand and Illustrator, Painter, Poser, and Canvas. Multi-media programming with Authorware, Director, 3D Studio, 3-D World Building with Domark, Virtus Virtual Reality, Cosmo Worlds, Flash, PHP, E&S Computer Image Generation, Quick Time and GIF(89a) audio /video animations, Shout3D and VRML for the Internet with various Macintosh shareware, generation, conversion and streaming of MP3, WAV, AU, SND, and AIFF and audio mixing with ADAT, MIDI, musical synthesizer keyboards as well as Digital Video Interactive (DVI) programming with MediaScript.


TITAN (formerly BTG) (Oct. 1, 2000 - Present):
As Systems Administrator for the Joint Simulation System (JSIMS) built and managed hardware and software to enable a systems and networking infrastructure for the development, integration and testing of a constructive warfighting simulation which operates as federations under the High Level Architecture on Secret and Unclassified Department of Defense networks. Although JSIMS is SECRET, their major land component WARSIM is described at The Unclassified and classified JSIMS Joint Integration Facility (JIF) networks sustain aproximately 200 computers with 150 users and 50 servers all administered for 16-18 hours per day by 4 Systems Administrators.
NATIONS (Nov. 7, 1997 - Oct. 1, 2000):
As Project Coordinator directing the Technology Transfer and Tracking Facilitation Group (T3FG), implementing Horizontal Integration and Software Reuse on behalf of U.S. Army STRICOM. Position requires Research, Tracking, Configuration Management, Repository Management, Network Management, Domain Engineering, Systems Engineering, Software and Test Engineering, Web Based Distribution, Quality Assurance and Customer Service. See using keyword T3FG for typically obtained and stored repository products and services.
As Project Coordinator/Senior Engineer/Test Director, on a 60 million dollar U.S. Army reconfigurable simulator acquisition, responsible for U.S. Army continuous pre-production, production, and acceptance verification and validation of simulators, wrote pre-solicitation documents, wrote Specification and Statement of Work (SOW) for Request for Proposals (RFP), wrote Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP), wrote Testing Integration Working Group (TIWG) Charter, outlined the Computer Resources Life Cycle Management Plan (CRLCMP), wrote an Ada waiver, and presented project plans and results to Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) as well as to other domestic and foreign military interests. Participated in Source Selection of Developer providing rating criteria, technical, shedule and cost risk analyses for use by Source Selection Board. Achieved two (2) commendations, a certificate of achievement, a letter of appreciation and a special bonus from the Army and own company. Provided continuous Verification and Validation for the project serving as Acquirer's engineering consultant on the Integrated Developer and Acquirer Product and Process Teams and as lead Test Engineer, integrating test plans, coordinating the TIWG, assigning the test methods of Certification, Analysis, Demonstration, Examination or Test, performing the verifications, writing the Test Incident Reports (TIRs), recommending resolutions while promoting and implementing user validations. As Test Director for the Government, managed all testing and resources for the project. Insured that the test laboratory was populated with the appropriate and operational test hardware and software including UNIX/Windows based DEC Alphas, SUN workstations, SGI platforms, multi-processor Motorola Power PCs, DOS/Windows based multi-processor Pentiums and external gateway connected platforms all operating over copper and fiber high speed networks with peripheral equipment and with testing and development software including the following software: Modular Semi-Automated Forces (ModSAF), Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Test Suite (DTS), Simulator and TRainer Integrated Performance Evaluation System (STRIPES), VRLink, DIS-Daemon, Ethernet Network Analyzer Software and various other Unix, DOS, and Windows based support tools. Used all of the test lab hardware and software tools and documents to both qualify and upgrade the test systems themselves and test and evaluate the deliverable prototype/production simulators: outlined system level test procedures, red-lined test procedures, executed unit, component, configuration item integration and system level tests; approved certifications of conformance for contract requirements and deliverables, recorded successful step results, verified that the "as-built" requirements were achieved and prioritized test incidents and troubles for orderly correction and regression testing. Participated in the elimination of as many test system and pre-production simulator errors as possible before full scale production while producing new software tools for the end users. From a continuous verification viewpoint: participated in the production and use of a Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service (CITIS), Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), Computer Automated Problem Maintenance System (CAPMS), verified and validated multiple contract hardware deliverables according to own Performance/Product Specification and Statement of Work and multiple contract software deliverables using the MIL-STD-498 Software Development standard and Data Item Description (DID) formats. Provided managers and vendors with continuous constructive domain specific steering and upgrade product and process recommendations and provided contractors and subcontractors with leveraging opportunities for efficient compliance with the DoD Operating Standards and Defense Data Dictionary, Joint Technical Architecture - Army, C4I and High Level Architecture (HLA) for Modeling and Simulation including the IEEE DIS Standard 1278.1 and the DIS Data Dictionary, and the U.S. Army Simulation Training Command's terrain and feature description standard "SEDRIS", Functional Description of the Battlespace (FDB) and Standard Software Architecture for Reconfigurables (SSAR). Coordinated progressive integration efforts by promoting the leveraging of reuseable components developed by other object-oriented system developers, reuse of own developments on other projects, and researched cost-reduction recommendations. Provided the basis for American Systems Corporation (ASC) to increase their U.S. Army Simulation and Training Command (STRICOM) support personnel from one (1) person (self) to nine (9) persons within two years while writing managerial reports for three (3) persons.
As Senior Programmer/Analyst and Systems Engineer researched, analyzed, and reverse engineered electrical and electronic weapons systems. Using CASE tools, and an object oriented man to machine interface programming tool, designed hardware and software models of weapons systems for operations and maintenance training. Managed writing teams and personally wrote 8 books, 1500 pages, of development documents according to MIL-STD-2167A requirements. Wrote 500 pages of system and subsystem level test procedures. Performed feasibility, testability, consistency, completeness, and traceability measurements as part of software verification and validation tasks. Used automated and manual V&V tools such as: traceability analyzers, code analyzers, test plans, data sorters, configuration indexers, and static/dynamic functional code analysis. Chosen by WordPerfect Corporation to Beta Test the CALS SGML tool Intellitag, completing the test in 3 months with 5 versions. Internet experience includes e-mail, interface with cc:mail, telnet interactive games and control, real time chat, file transfer protocol (ftp) downloading, kermit binary transfers, off-line compressors and decompressors/readers, search tools such as Gopher, Veronica, Wide Area Information Server (WAIS), World Wide Web (WWW), and Hytelnet spanning approximately 33 countries. Maintained continuous Internet contact with Ada 9x developments and reuse via Defense Software Repository System (DSRS), AdaNET Service Versions 2 and 3 (ASV2 and ASV3), and the Electronic Library Services and Applications (ELSA) repository. For CALS updates, maintained Internet contact with Fedworld, used CALS Journal, 1993 Orlando Interleaf International Users Conference SGML documents, the CALS Shared Resource Centers, CGM format for graphics file exchanges, IGES in and out of Autocad for interchange with other CAD programs. Self taught dynamic data exchange and object linking and embedding techniques for use in Excel, Visual Basic, WonderWare InTouch, PaintBrush, Write, Micrographics Designer, and Harvard Graphics. Self taught Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop, Pagemaker, Persuasion, Kermit, MacDraw, MacPaint, MacWrite and FileMaker Pro on the Mac. Self taught user of the Defense Systems Management College's Project Managers Software System (PMSS) for project costing and risk analysis.
As Director of Technical Operations, responsible for Technical Resource Acquisition, Purpose and Management including personnel documentation hardware and software. When required served as Program manager, Project Manager, or Contract Troubleshooter. Served as company Quality Manager, Marketing Research Specialist, and marketing representative/presenter; specific achievements included: Managed, researched, wrote and delivered a 500 page tome entitled "Guidebook for Technical Risk Management (using the DoD Templates)" and accompanying course materials for DoD use in training and retraining DoD Project Managers at the Defense Systems Management College, Ft. Belvoir. Material covered procedures and best practices when managing weapon systems development including: Design policy, Process and analysis, Requirements, Software Design and Test, Computer assisted technology, Design reviews, Parts selection and Defect Control, Logistics and Logistic Support Analysis, Configuration control, Test Management, and Manufacturing Planning. The ILS material featured logistics related Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability, Maintenance Planning, Manpower and Personnel, Supply Support, Support Equipment and Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Training and Training Devices, Technical Data, Computer Resources Support, Packaging Handling and Storage, Transportation and Transportability, Facilities, and Standardization and Interoperability. Case studies and reports gleaned from live interviews with Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps Project Managers were presented to emphasize poor and best practices. Managed, performed analysis and programmed an automated billing system in dBase III Plus. Managed, performed analysis, acquired, installed and programmed a Novell Ethernet LAN and set up remote access for control of remote computer systems through modem dial lines and a bulletin board system for remote employees needing corporate technical library resources. Set up, tested and maintained high speed conditioned telephone circuits and peripherals for synchronous data communications in a production environment. Performed analysis and programmed an OCR scanner to P.C. text data base for auto-indexed text data base. Integrated imaging and text based files for key word query and retrieval. Self taught programming with Media Script under Window's for Digital Video Interactive, Geographic Mapping using GPS/UTM from USGS' DLG CD-ROMs and CENSUS Tiger Files, including use of Xenix, and Unix applications such as GRASS and INFORMIX, and statistical analysis using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Became familiar with POSIX, GOSIP, OSI Standards and Protocols, and Wang and Filenet Imaging for presentation to Government clients. Self taught IBM Windows use, graphics, and Windows programming. Self taught NEXT (MACH OS) applications programs. Introduced company to CALS Shared Resource Center, McDade Center, University of Scranton, PA and established a CALS training program. Participated on various working committees as a corporate member of the Reuse Industrial Group (RIG). Researched, developed, and presented in-person and automated a graphical Corporate Capabilities presentation for prospective clients emphasizing Integrated Logistic Support, Total Quality Management, Computer Aided Logistics Support, the 2167A Software Development Process, the Carnegie Mellon -Software Engineering Institute S/W Developer Model, Independent Validation & Verification (IV&V), Corporate Information Management (CIM), Information Dictionary Repository System (IRDS), Remote Data Access, Document Imaging, JIT Manufacturing, downsizing, client/server operations, distributed databases, standard graphical user models, object oriented design and programming. Conceived, managed and wrote technical recommendations and proposals on behalf of the company. Managed and supported several contractual efforts with researched knowledge and recommendations on how to best please the clients and profit the company. Successfully marketed over 10 million dollars in new and expanded contracts.
As Program Manager, responsible for several projects including: 1) A redrawing project requiring the management of ten employees who provided the US. Navy compatible (A-J Size) drawings on magnetic media having digitized them with Autocad, Auto Lisp, and self written Batch or Script routines for auto-conversion to Computervision files. Programmed automatic verification tools which searched for drawing conversion error situations based on previous expert knowledge of IGES quirks. 2) Technical manuals updating project which required the management of two technical writers to modify U.S. Navy Training Command trainer maintenance manuals including all levels of maintenance, IPB's, and MRC cards. 3) An IV&V project which required U.S. Navy Training Systems Command overseas site visits to insure quality and compliance with all provisions of a new Navy flight trainer technical documentation and data package acceptance. The project also required the management of two draftsmen and one tech writer to report compliance with technical drawing military standards. As Marketing Specialist, closed dealings on the IV&V task above and a Novell/Ethernet LAN installation and support contract for a city government. Organized and represented the company at trade shows, developing the display and marketing the services including proposal writing and costing. As Security Officer, wrote the companies Security Practices and Procedures Manual and ensured compliance.
As Software Systems Designer, converted and downsized an operational library management information system from a DEC PDP11 and Wang OIS to a microcomputer based, compiled relational data base system operating on a local area network. Designed a cabling, wiring, and signals database for use by technicians troubleshooting electrical and electronic circuits on Trident Class submarine trainers.
CACI, Inc. - Federal (1987):
As Sr. Associate, designed and tested on a mainframe computer "expert system" menus for U.S. Navy Supply item managers performing supply demand reviews. Independent Consultant (08/86 - 03/87): Independent computer consultant performing new "turnkey" system design, programming, and analyst tasks in microcomputer based local area network utilizing data base techniques with interface to mainframe computer.
CACI, INC. - Federal (1983 - 1986):
As Sr. Associate, responsible for providing engineering support to U.S. and foreign navies and commercial clients; performed direct marketing on selected products and services; achievements included: Authored a 1000 page general design specification for shipboard and submarine electronic equipment for a foreign military customer; scope of the effort included design and construction, component selection, testing, EMI/EMC, quality, configuration management, reliability, maintainability, human engineering, safety, ILS and documentation. Designed decision models for qualification tests, environmental stress screening, and production acceptance tests for shipboard electronic items including logic for the selection of stress levels. Designed and implemented an automated program management control and critical path tracking system for full scale engineering development of a major U.S. Navy electronic warfare project; design identifying all significant government and contractor milestones by date, duration, sequence, responsible party, interfaces, critical/non-critical nature of the task, and contractual requirement reference; design including program management, systems and software engineering, hardware production, testing, quality, configuration management , R&M, and all ILS tasks. Programmed a micro system to produce automated government contract and procurement documents. Provided direct customer liaison for a major U.S. Navy automated shipboard allowance and outfitting project. Marketed, designed, and supported a micro computer data base management information system for land based aviation maintenance which interfaced with a land based mainframe computer. Designed, tested, and marketed custom micro computer software packages to government and industry; including the interfacing of micro to mainframe computers using a wide range of protocols and communication software packages. Marketed micro computers and software packages, communications hardware including modems, multiplexers, protocol converters, data switches and telecommunications.
NALCOMIS (Naval Air Logistics Command Management Information System), U.S. Navy, NAS Willow Grove, PA (1981 - 1983):
As Field Test Site Manager, was Officer-In-Charge of a major automated aircraft maintenance data system which is the major Logistics/Aircraft Maintenance ADP System in use presently by NAVAIR. Supervised computer operations with four operators and two analysts. Coordinated Congressional visibility, project managers, government and contractor system design engineers, computer maintenance technicians, and an entire squadron of military aviation maintenance users.
Incorporated and managed a profitable wholesale/retail small business, the extent of which covered: Acquisition of supplies and materials; warehouse and inventory management; manufacturing of kits; advertising, production of catalogues, and production of books; management of retail store outlets; hiring, training, and direction of employees; management of the business profitability.
PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY at Middletown (1975 - 1977):
While pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree, worked as a Graduate Assistant programmer analyst on IBM 360 computer's SPSS package performing statistical regressions and analyzing global economic data which was later published.
AMP, INC. (1970-1974):
As Electronics Test Engineer, responsible for: Designing life cycle, environmental, and destructive tests for electro-mechanical and electronic equipment. Supervising quality engineers and inspection technicians.
U.S. Navy, reserve duty, NAS Willow Grove, PA (1969 - 1981):
Naval Flight Officer; Avionics Officer, Navigator, Tactical Coordinator.
U.S. Navy, active duty, NAS Norfolk, VA (1965 - 1969):
Naval Flight and Avionics Officer, Air Controller, Combat Information Center Officer.
U.S. NAVY RESERVE, (1960 - 1985):
Retired Lieutenant Commander after over 20 years of qualifying service.
Currently: Married 26 years, 3 daughters. Entertainment: web surfing, flying, boating, fishing, and water sports and watching nephew (NFL). Investment: Landlord with 6 (six) apartments. Avocations: Travel, linguistics and Spanish (working knowledge), helping spouse with art projects. Previously: Interational Council of Systems Engineers (INCOSE), Amateur Radio Operator , Civil Air Patrol, and Ground Observer Corps.
