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Jamie and Amanda Funnies

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Okay, so Jayme is so fucking funny, omg. and some of these jokes are inside, but jayme knows what i'm talking about...most of the time we are the only ones that think we are funny.....but us together is the funniest shit..which begs the question..."why are we so funny?"

#1 CUT THE CRAP: So it was Regionals, in Qu'Appelle, and it was the middle of the night, Saturday night to be exact. There were a bunch of us on second floor Pasqua, there was Me, Jayme, Clayton, Jordan, Sam, Jackie, Mike, Kristin, Dan, Tyler, Ashley, and i think that's it. Anyways, this is how the conversation went:
Clayton: "aww...i'm so was tiring out there today"
Amanda:"oh you come to our blocks to relive a little tension, eh??"
Jayme: "well then.........CUT THE CRAP, lets get to it"

LMAO, it was so funny....hahahahaha...Jayme.....

#2 ON THE WAY HERE Well me and Jayme were walking to Sick Bay, and i had commented on this guy (lets call him FRANK), and how hot he was, and Jayme Says to me....
Jayme: "ya, we used to have a thing eh?"
Amanda: "really? when?"
Jayme: "well...umm...on the way here"

such an inside joke...

#4 Looking for Amanda:
"go see Amanda...tell her Jayme sent you..."
"Amanda...Jayme said you wanted me.."
"Do I ever!...I mean...hey!"

#5 The search for George...:
"George?? George?? Where's George? George? are you George? Have you seen George? Do you know where George is? George!?
If you wander if we ever found George..... Click here


#6 The Sex TV station
So part of our tour of MuchMusic was to tour all the affiliated stations in the Chum City Building, and one of these stations was Sex TV.  Now we had been thru some pretty weird/boring places, some of the sets of Much, a news station, a think something about cooking, bunch of crazy stuff anyways...this is how it went...
Tour Guy: "this is our SEX TV set"
Jayme: "now this is MY kinda channel"
**everyone just kinda looks....and**

#7 "Left on Me"
So you have to see the Friends episode where Monica is yelling out the names of sex spots on the body, and simulates and orgasm to get this one...but here's the story...

We were driving along in Kingston, supposed to be going to this Amusement place and we are defiantly lost, so Sadie suggests we pull out the map and turns out, we are on the opposite side of the city.  So I'm trying to navigate Sadie back to where we are supposed to be and I'm like "go down to the next lights, then go left on Johnson" and Jayme shoots up right away and says..."YA, YA, LEFT ON ME, LEFT ON ME" And we were all like HaHa, THEN, when we actually stop at Johnson, Jayme starts imitating the Friends episode and goes..."Left....left...left....left...left.left.left.left.left.LEFT.LEFT.LEFT.LEFT.......*sighs*......oh..left!"

#8 "The Bed incident"
So, its Regionals 2004, and of and Jayme are going to sleep together...and Jackie and Kristin are going to sleep together, one problem, Jackie and Kristin are super tired and passing out on each others bed.  So this is how Jayme solves the problem...

*Jackie is sleeping in her own bed*
Jayme: "Jackie go sleep in Amanda's bed with Kristin"
Jackie: (half asleep) "what..why?"
Jayme: "well, unless you want me playing with your boobs all night"
Jackie: *gets up and moves*
*Jayme crawls in and gets comfy then...*
Jayme: "Amanda....." **opens up covers** "....come to bed"

#9 "ugly"
So it was the last Wednesday of camp, and we were practicing for Final Grad/Decommissioning, and all was well except for one thing, it was the COLDEST morning of the summer!  Like Freezing cold!!!  So there we are lining the street in workdress and I'm near the STG3's and I say jokingly,

Amanda: "man I feel sorry for you guys....I'm hotter then all of you, but I'm still cold right now"
*chuckles amongst the crowd*
Jayme: *shivering* " this what it feels like to be ugly?"

#10 "the sex"
Jayme: "I hardly remember anything from my TG1"
Brooke: "I sailed with you once on TG1...."
Jayme: ""
Amanda: "you don't remember sailing with her at all do you?"
Jayme: " that's like saying you had sex with would I know?"

#11 "the pipers"
So at HMCS Qu'Appelle the senior courses get to go to Regina for a parade called Buffalo Days, its a very popular event thru-out Regina.  So we were waiting on the street for our turn to go in the parade, and we were all pretty squished in, we had to fit 2 guards, and the color party on this narrow street, so we were all in close quarters waiting.  Low and behold we hear these bagpipes, and I was like "I Love pipe bands" and Jayme being the clever one she is replies with "ya....pipe bands make me hot" and EVERYONE heard her. lol.  Then Marisa casually points out that...Lt Daeninick is just feet away from her, and she is Jayme's evaluator for green week, not to mention the Sail trgO!

#12 "spoons"
Well I dunno what it is with Jayme, but she has this weird thing with Lt Daeninick and doing weird/funny things in front of her.  I'm sure she thinks Jayme's some sort of special needs kid by now but anyways, I was trying to get ready for the "mess superhero party" and I had no idea what I was going to be at all, and time was running out.  Finally Michelle-Marie suggested I be a "super spooner" which would totally go with our inside joke we already had about spooning.  So of course I was like "YA, lets do it!"  So I yell down the hall to Brooke to go to the mess hall and steal me some spoons and not to get caught.  So she comes back with this HUGE handful of spoons, and was holding them like a bunch of flowers, lol.
   Anyways, she hands them off to Jayme who is helping me tape them to my body with Alecks' hockey tape, when who walks by? Lt Daeninick.  As soon as I saw her walk by I was like "oh wow, that's LT Daeninick"  And I started laughing to myself and thinking "good thing she didn't see our stolen spoons from the mess hall, lol"  And right then Jayme jumps up off the bed (with the spoons in hand) and says "oh Lt Daeninick I need to talk to you" and runs down the hall.  At this point we are all like OMG we are so busted, and Brooke in a split second runs out the door after Jayme and "casually" walks over mutters "omg Jayme..." and grabs the spoons from Jayme and hides them under her shirt and walks away really quickly.
    We were all like 'omg I cant believe she didn't see that, and why is Jayme so dumb?'  When Jayme came back she didn't even realize what she had done!....oh dear lord...what ever will we do with that girl...