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One word: No Me no have, you no sue

My awful try at a heart-wrenching fan ficiton. Yaoi, shonen-ai, ect. more to come. We just love our boys!

Any flames, death threats, or harrassing notes should be sent to and will be deleted. So, that concludes to one thing- don't send them, I wont read them

I'm planning on updating when I get atleast 5 reviews if i'm lucky. I'll shut my blabbering so you can read away!

Two stretchers rushed into the emergency room at exactly 2:47 am at a local New York City Hospital. On one bed lay a man who was unusually tall and on another lay a man who was plenty smaller than the first one. People were yelling out commands while they stripped both of them of their clothes and hooked them up to ventilators. I.V’s were started and blood transfusions were hung as one heart monitor flat lines. The emergency room staff rushed to the scene of the dying man. Hours later, only one was alive.


Sanosuke saw him in the hospital bed in the ICU. He was spending some time at the hospital; Today was his ICU shift. He usually volunteered at the hospital because he just loved helping people. Pretty red hair was half shaved off, replaced by pale skin and bandages. Blood seeped through the cuts and bruises, a red as brilliant as this young man’s hair. Sanosuke picked up the man’s files.

Name: Himura, Shinta

Room # 620

Brought in: 0247 5/17/03, Friday

Condition: Critical

Doctor: Dr. Takani

Medications: Penn. 500MG. Glucose, Valium. Ask Dr.

Allergies: Pollen, Mold, Dust, Nuts, Lorabid, Cipro. Only gotten at time of entrance.

Med. Conditions: Asthma, easily sun burned skin.

Current Medications: Flo-Vent, Albuteral, Prozac, Paxil, Flonase, Allegra

Reason of Hospitalization: Car Crash< p> Current Med. Conditions: Fractured Skull, Coma, Broken Radius, Bruised kidney, lesions on body, Broken index/middle/ring finger. Kept on valium for pain, Penn. For infection.

A little shocked he wedged the files between his arm and side, and quietly pushed open Shinta’s hospital room door. He glanced both ways before entering. He stood in the door way as his breath was taken away because Shinta wasn’t just hurt, he was…fragile and precious. Underneath bandages and stitches, was a pale face, helpless for the world to receive, and Sano wanted that face. He wanted to hold him in his arms, and tell him it was all alright. He didn’t want Shinta to be in any pain anymore, that life was fair for him because he was handsome and beautiful and a miracle. Despite his raging mind to rush over to him, Sanosuke took a step closer, then another step, till he was hovering right over him. He lifted his hand, let it lay in the air, hovering above Shinta’s hand, and rested gently on top. He could feel the I.V under all the medical tape and bandages, pumping blood, glucose, medication, whatever through his veins.

Dr. Takani had entered the room quietly, unnoticed. Her voice boomed over the beeping of the machines and Sano’s breathing.

“Hey, Sagara. He’s a sad case over there. The other one rushed in with him passed away in the ER. He’s such a precious little thing. He Might not live through the next night.”

Sanosuke Sagara,, someone who had just realized he wanted to spend his whole life with Shinta Himura, felt like he was going to cry.


A few days passed until Sano had enough corage to go and visit poor little Shinta. He had put on faded old jeans with a blank gray tee-shirt, and hopped into his car.

“What I am I seriously doing…” He though out loud as he made a right turn.

“ I don’t know who he is, but I swear…” Another right. A left. The steel hospital building loomed up in he air as he turned into the parking lot. He took a parking space close to the main lobby. The sliding doors opened and people flooded through the hall ways as Sanosuke got a visitor’s pass at the front desk. Up the stairs, to room number 620. He pulled the door opened gently, and it squeaked a mousy cry. A nurse Sano knew was cleaning the room- She was one of those sweet, middle-aged women that would do anything for you if you were stuck here- but Shinta wasn’t in the bed.

Sanosuke cleared his through and spoke loudly, “ Uhm, excuse me, is Shinta okay?”

The nurse had just smiled and replied, "Hi Sano! No, Shinta is in surgery right now. He shouldn’t be out for a while. They’re trying to relieve some more pressure off a vessel around his skull. Internal bleeding. I’m sorry sweetie.”

“Well, Let me leave a note then. Can you give it to him?” Sano took a pen and a piece of paper out of his back pocket and wrote something down. The nurse waited patiently.

“He’s a cute one, isn’t he?”

Sano was surprised at this random response. He knew he wasn’t straight, but was it really this obvious that he could be gay? He glanced upward and quickly glanced back downward to his letter. Can’t let her know, that’d be weird. It’s just that I know him from somewhere, I just can’t tell where. “Err…yea, he’s a keeper." I just always screw up! But all the nurse did was wink, take the note, and leave, letting Sano dwell in further embarrassment.