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The History, The Stories, The Advantages & The Opposition


The History

     In September of 2003, the city of Cancun, Mexico, was no longer an exciting vacation destination for many tourists; it was the site of several protests against the policies of the World Trade Organization. These violent demonstrations were the result of a controversial issue: sweatshops. Most people tend to view sweatshops in the stereotypical way; a dingy, Third World shoe factory which employs and exploits their workers through mistreatment and low wages. Many believe that laws should be passed to prohibit them. However, few people actually know that about 75% of clothing manufacturers situated in the United States are considered to be “sweatshops” due to their working conditions. Numerous protesters are against this type of factory, but are there any benefits to this situation?

     My webpage will explore this topic through the explanation of its history, its current status, the organizations which oppose it, and its advantages. My main goal is to try to put an end to the myths regarding sweatshops and to provide people with both sides of the issue.

Copyright 2004 "Sweatshops: The History, The Stories, The Advantages, & The Opposition"

Last Updated March 29, 2004

Please feel free to send any questions and/or comments to the webmaster at


A young woman sorts through a large pile of pants in a clothing factory

Picture Courtesy of "Women on The Border: Sweatshops, Cross-Border Trade" (

A view into the dingy world of sweatshops

Picture Courtesy of "Feminists Against Sweatshops: Frequently Asked Questions About Sweatshops" (


The Stories


The Advantages


The Opposition
