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Psalms 23

My Wish


My Walk Where?

God Is

Strings In The Air

Heart of Worship

I Wandered - Wordsworth

Vine and Branches

10 Things God Wants YOU To Know


More AK Pictures

Alaska, Spring 04

Goodbye, Alaska!NEW

He Did

FREE Graphics For You

Blinkies 1

Blinkies 2

Blinkies 3

Adoptable Graphics

Feel free to take any of the blinkies that I've created.

Please remove the
"NO SPAM" from my
email address if
you need to contact
me. Sorry for any
trouble this causes.

Please don't forget
to sign my guestbook
before you go!

Stumble Upon Toolbar


Welcome to Susan's Garden

Thanks for visiting my homepage! I hope that you
will find something to bring you a little enjoyment
or peace or at least a smile. If you are interested
in the graphics I've used here, please dont hesitate
to click on the links provided.

I hope that I will be able to *paint* a picture
of my life, my thoughts, dreams, passions, hopes and fears...
because what is anything, if not honest?

So with that said, please grab yourself a cup of
tea or coffee and come join me in a journey through my website.

I have changed some things on my site that I hope
will make this page load faster. I hope it helps!

May God bless you now and always!

This Sisters With Heart site
owned by
***Susan's Garden***

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Updated January 31, 2005