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The current contest is an eassay contest.All members of SPEW must particapate.Write a paragraph about what SPEW is and why your a member.The 1st and 2nd place winners will be rewarded.Please Email your essay to Wishbone109 at
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Winning Essay
S.P.E.W is the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Founded by a Hogwarts student, Hermione Granger, S.P.E.W.'s main goal is to free house elves. But the only way to free a house elf is for its master to present it with clothes, for house elves wear tea clothes wrapped around their body. I, for instance, will write an essay: S.P.E.W. is an excellent way to free house elves from slave labor and punishment. House elves should not be treated in any harmful way. One way we, the members of S.P.E.W., try to set house elves free is by sewing hats and leaving them in the common room at night time. How does this help?you're wondering. Well house elves work at Hogwarts and they clean the common room at night. One house elf, Dobby, has taken more than one hat. In the past, he has wanted wages for working at Hogwarts. A ton of house elves work at Hogwarts, but some are against S.P.E.W., because they're happy. Brainwashed by their last masters. Which leads me to why I am a member of S.P.E.W.: I am a member of S.P.E.W. because house elves should never be treated in such manner. House elves were born to the Wizarding world to be free! Just like any other creature we study in Care of Magical Creatures or even Herbology. So by setting house elves free they can enjoy the fresh air, the earth, anything. But they should be held with S.P.E.W. so we can clear their mind of bad thoughts and raise them to live like they should have. We can do it, if we follow our dream. That is why I am a member of S.P.E.W. How can you help? By joining us today! Anything is possible! By Danya Kurd a.k.a. Sparkling_Eyes Congratulations Danya!!!!!
