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SLM's Snowman



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I know i am the saddest person on this planet but here you go, these are pictures of the first and last snowman i will ever build. I had just finished my last January exam on Monday the 26th, i had to go through 9 tough exams over a three week period. The snow started night on wednesday the 28th of January. Next morning my mum broke me the news,"NO SCHOOL!!!" and like most of my friends did we kept on sleeping ;) . Earlier during January me and my friends were chatting and i randomly came up with, this year i might make my first snowman and people were amazed that i've never made one :X. So when i could be bothered to wake up i set off to hit my aim. so i grabed a builders spade that weighed a ton and start pilling up the snow. I don't believe i just typed this all up but nevermind you guys better read it or else ;).

Anyways here are some highlights:-

  • I was sad enough to spend 5 hours making it
  • From now on i am going to call making, building because i believe it was an engineering excellence :P
  • It was hollow
  • It is approximately 1.4 metres high, just under my shoulders
  • I suffered 4 days of muscular pain after all the spading


To redeem myself i just wanted to say that i also built this site to practice my html skills ;). i hope you enjoy browsing and hope your come and see next years pictures :P, aim is to build a round snowman ;). Please feel free to leave me a comment through this sites e-mail (use link below) or just tell me through MSN. If your want to i can also post it up on the comments page ;). Best Regards SLM.

12/04/04 Wow its been 3 months since i started this site and i still havn't finished it, must of been the work load and statistics coursework ;) . Anyways going to finish it over easter when i should be revising for a-levels which is in 5 weeks time, blah!!! i hope i didn't leave it too late for you poeple to see the pictures. Happy Easter, SLM.

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Picture 1

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Damn the sun's coming out :X

Picture 2

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When i started scooping the snow into one big pile i found there was half an inch of snow with half an inch of ice beneath it. Look at the background now, the paving slabs can be seen :X. Actually if you look in my garden today you will see some chips in the paving slabs, don't know what happened there, o_O.

Picture 3

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Most of your can imagine how tall i am and look at the snowman compared to me, its only a few inches beneath my shoulders, hmmmmmm arn't half of you viewing this picture the same height or shorter :X

Picture 4

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If you noticed, the above pictures are very plain. I added a few features on the snowman, well at least it has a bit of shape now ;)

Picture 5

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The snowman is hit by a gust of wind

Picture 6

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The wind seems to have ripped an ear off

Picture 7

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Hey look, it's a sitting snowman

Picture 8

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Personally i think this is the best picture taken

Picture 9

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The stick on the right is a metre rule touching the ground. Therefore 1.4 metres is a good estimate of the snowmans height.

Picture 10

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The last but not least, the final snowman compared to me.


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