Skoot Dog's Bio

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Full Name: Skooter Alfred Dog

D.O.B.: 4-14-86

Marital Status: Madly in love with Jane Smith.

Hometown: None of your dam* business.

Sex: Um...I could answer this question in a rather colorful fashion, but I think I'll just say 'male'.

Breed: All I can tell you, is that I'm some kind of terrier. You guess the rest.

Hobbies/Interests: Hanging out with Jane, Reading, Writing, Watching TV (yes I AM slightly normal), Hanging out with Jane, History (as long as I'm not learning it in my boring, poor, public school), Hanging out with Jane, Play computer and Playstation games (I'm afraid this is another sign that I show normal behavior).

Occupation: Student at LOSERVILLE Central High School

Personal Quote: I'll get back to you on that. I'm creatively challenged at this moment in time.

Mortal Enemy: Boxer.

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