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Rocky Mountain National Park 2: Glacial Features,etc.

Climate Change Workshop 2004 in Colorado (NCAR)

Damaged area from the 1982 Flood

Lake Estes

#1 Estes Lake on Route
to Rk.Mt.National Park

Pothole eroded out of
a boulder at Lake Estes 

#5 Dr.Susan at Estes Lake

#11 Ancient glacial 
laterial moraine about
1,000 ft. below ice level.

#762 Damage from
Lawn Lake Flood "82

Alluvial Fan area of
the 1982 Lawn Lake Flood

#742 Gigantic boulders moved 
during 1982 Flood

#736 Damage from the 1982
Lawn Lake Flood


 #15 Equestrian Sediments
are at the bottom of
this mountain range.

#774 Presently, there are 
sub-alpine Spruce and
Rounded Pine trees in
this area.

#821Lots of cirques
are evidence here.

#18 Rainbow Valley
in the distance 

#19 Evidence of where
glaciers tore away at
sections of this area.

#815 Marshy Area
#811  Looking down at 
the Sub-alpine
Spruce & Rounded Pine.




12,005ft above sea level
at Alpine Visitor's Center

Paternoster Lakes
carved by glaciers

Group of Educators at
Trail Ridge

877 Meadow area
on the Moraine

785 Lots of Lakes
carved by glaciers
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