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reFresh || GUESTBOOK || TaKe.mAh.Quiz
. .: : | MaDLy UndEr KonStrUxiOn |: : . .
KuM BaK FOR MORE UpDaTez! ThAnx!...
|| song playin | "Ready" by N-Toons ||
| | updated | | : OcToBeR.14.20o3
| | page kreated by | | : iLLusionz BaByDoRk/DeLiriOusChiC ShYPnAi PrOduCtIoNz © 2oO3 " iLLest styLez ain`T even gOod 2 be jOcked."
wHoA!!!!.noT bAdZ hehehe..=P..lolz..nEwayz. weLcOme feLLA AzNz! i am currently tryin to fix this page.. ahaha.. but actually im not doing a very good job of it now am i? nope, not at all!!!! lolz..well, i know this page isn`t all that great but i bet its better than clickin on a much bLank one now is it? heh...of course it why don`t you be a nice personand look around and tag up the g-spot...aite???? i`ll get bak at yew wit dem ASAP quickness..but if idon, den don hella trip..cuz i might be busy doin mah thang..but don yew worry imma still get bak at yew..aites laterz ya` shawty be out LYKWHOA!!!
gOT kuEztiOn????...deN hOLLa @ *||aLL bOuT Me||*
hiYee dEre! mAh nAmE isH ShEiLa, but suM otHer peEpz caLL meEh "sHe", "sHeY"or "shE`shE" fEr ShoRt..yEa yEa i nOe...uRe prObAbLy ThinKiNg.. "SHE?...sHe`sHe?? GyEa riOTe!!" =P buT heY mAYn dOn b diSsinG mY niCkNamE =P.. i wAz brOuGhT 2 eArTh on JaNuArY.o7.1985 so ive beEn bReaThiN on EarTH fEr 18 yRz nOw. Az u cAn C iMmA fEmaLe.. U cAn finD meEh in dZ bOotYfUL isLanD paRadise of HaWaii..OaHu..EwA BeAcH. iF uR woNdEriN iF aM i iNvoLveD wit sUmONe?? weLpz no, im sinGO 2 minGo TiL i FiND dA RiOTe ChiKo Fo mE. as u cAn C immA 55% FiLiPiNa... 35% SpAniSh... 10% cHinkY. As an AveRagE fiLipinA gUrL sTanDin aT fivE fOot anD OnE inch wiT a weiGht oF 1o2 Lbs ..yEa Yea...iMmA ShOrTy..sO wuT? U`rE TaLLeR.. biG deaL..=P j/P.. nE_waYz, i wEnT 2 CaMpBeLL HiGh SkU as a JuNiOr n wiLL B gOin 2 Y_paHu fO mAh SeniOr yeAr as CLaSS oF 2oo4!! yeEPeE!! oNe MorE YeaR 2 Go!. ahAha.. buT nE_hOw i LyK 2 gO OuT kReWzin, hAngin OuT wiT mAh FweNz and CuziNs, taLkin oN mAh fOnE, ChaTTin w/ maH BudDiez and fwEnz onLinE, mEeTin nEw PeEpz, FiXin/buiLdin ComPutErs, wRiTin/reAdin PoeMz n "BLAh"..hehe..i can`t tiNk oF nE thiN eLsE, buT dAtz da reaL thinG camE 2 dA tOp oF mAh minD dat i Lyk 2 dO. n wuT i LooKin fEr in a gUy isH a peRsOn wiT niCe kyOoTe PeRsOnaLitY, UndeRsTanDin, caRin, a peRsOn whO cAn acCepT mE 4 wHO/wUT i aM insYd n nOtdA ouTsyD, nOez 2 maKe mE SmiLe fRum sAdnez 2 LauGh, wOuLd bE deRe fO mE, SpiKeY HaiRz, AzN feLLaz especiaLLy KOREANZ!!! n wuT i Don Lyk ina guY iSh a pErSoN whO RcOncieTed..PosERs..HaTeRs...FaKe peRsonaLiTiEz... bAkStaBBeRs...HeaRT BrEaKerz...PLAYERZ..
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