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Welcome to my Homepage!

My name is Reddirt, and I am creating a webpage for a class at the DISKovery Center. If you would like to know a little bit about why I created a website, please click here.

As background information, a brief description of my hometown is provided. Please click here to see it.

I  have other pages such as one for a recipe that I like and a hobby which I think can be an all around therapy. If you are interested in the recipe, please click here, and for the hobby, please click here.

A very significant event for our country happened on September 11th 2001. We have seen on the various media, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. I think it was a traumatic event because of the stark vision of plane loads of people crashing into buildings, the terrible aftermath of the disaster, the possibility of more attacks on us, and the never ending coverage. There isn't much more to say about it, but a page  has been added for my thoughts on various events. Click here to see it.

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