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Frequently Asked Questions

Turnaround Time FAQ | Vinyl Sticker FAQ | Shirt FAQ | Package Deal FAQ |
Poster FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Turnaround Time

How long is your turnaround time? If I were to place an order, when will I get my stickers?
Our turnaround time is 10 working days (Monday through Friday) or less from once we receive approved artwork and payment to when your stickers are printed and shipped from our location, PLUS shipping transit time of 1 to 5 working days (depending on your location). Generally we get a lot of orders out in 7 to 8 working days, ahead of schedule, but 10 working days is the standard.
Our 10 working day turnaround time applies to our T-shirt orders and Package Deals as well.

Our 10 working day turnaround time applies to quantities listed on this web site.
Orders for higher quantities than what is listed may take more time to complete. In those cases we will give you an estimate turnaround time for completion of the order.

If I got my artwork and payment in today, how fast can you print my order?
How quickly could you get it done?

There's really no way to answer this question....We have many orders in our system that are printed and shipped everyday, and we do not drop prior commitments.
However a better question to ask us to find out how quickly we can produce an order is to tell us the last possible date you would need to receive an order, AND your zip code to calculate the transit shipping days, and we'll let you know if we can work your order into our schedule.

Do working days include Saturdays and Sundays?
Our standard 10 working day turnaround time (plus shipping transit time) DOES NOT include Saturdays or Sundays. Please take that into account when you are planning your order.

Still have a question about turnaround time?

Frequently Asked Questions About Vinyl Stickers

How many colors is a Black & White sticker?
One color. Black ink printed on our standard white vinyl.

Can I get reversed black and white stickers? My logo is white on a black background.
Yes! It is no problem printing the black background - we can easily reverse your logo any way you see fit for Black & White stickers.

Does it matter which dimension is the height or width? You list the standard sticker size of 4.25" wide and 2.75" high, but I want my stickers 2.75" wide by 4.25" high. Is this ok?
Yes, it is OK. It doesn't matter which side is the height or width, just that the actual sizes are correct.

On your Black & Red stickers (or Black & Yellow) - can there be white color in the design?
Yes! Our standard sticker material is white in color, and white can easily be incorporated into any sticker design.

How long is your turnaround time? If I were to place an order, when will I get my stickers?
Our turnaround time is 10 working days (Monday through Friday) or less from once we receive approved artwork and payment to when your stickers are printed and shipped from our location, PLUS shipping transit time of 1 to 5 working days (depending on your location). Generally we get a lot of orders out in 7 to 8 working days, ahead of schedule, but 10 working days is the standard.
Our 10 working day turnaround time applies to our T-shirt orders and Package Deals as well.

I need my stickers really fast! We have a big show coming in less than 10 days!
Do you do rush jobs? Does that cost extra?

Actually a lot of our customers wait until the last minute for one reason or another to get their stuff ordered, so we always seem to be getting this request! We certainly will try to get your stickers out as quickly as possible if we can. We generally DO NOT charge extra for rushing a job through our system, however if you need your order shipped Next Day Air or 2nd Day Air, the additional faster shipping charges will apply (if you choose to). We will do everything we can to accommodate your deadlines if they are realistically possible.
Standard Sticker orders (Black & White, Black & Red, and Black & Yellow) CAN NOT be rushed! All we can promise is 10 working days, plus shipping transit time on those type of orders. You may need to order in bulk quantities for Standard Stickers to have a chance to get a rush order. Bulk sticker orders help fill up the film for vinyl sticker sheets for printing. Once we can fill up a sheet, we can get the order (or orders) into production.

Are your stickers outdoor weatherproof? Do they hold up in the rain?
Yes, our vinyl sticker material is quality outdoor vinyl, and will last three to five years outside.
Good, because we ordered some stickers from some other place a while ago and they fell apart as soon as it rained....
That's because someone sold you paper labels. Paper labels are not weather proof - they should never been used for outdoor use. Be also aware that laminated paper labels are nothing but coated paper labels that appear to be vinyl. Laminated paper labels last a little longer outside but they are not weatherproof, and will fall apart in the rain in a short of amount of time.

What is DPI and why do you need 300 of them?
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch (or Pixels Per Inch). We need computer artwork files that are 300 dpi at Actual print Size to insure a printable image that will come out clear. We get a lot of artwork files that are only 72 dpi; this resolution is fine for the web, but not for print work. The low resolution allows the file to use up less space as a website graphic but also prevents us from being able to use it as a printable art file.We can not stress this enough, 72 dpi web images look horrible and pixelated when printed out as artwork for stickers or t-shirts.72 dpi artwork printed looks like Atari 2600 from the earlier 1980's - like those pixeled Space Invader graphics. If you ever need help on artwork files, we will try to help as much as possible, however there are tips on our Sending Artwork page.

Dudes, like no one in my band can do computer artwork - we're just musicians. All I need is our logo on some stickers. If I e-mail you the font file we use, can you type set the sticker? How much will you charge me?
If you know how to e-mail us the actual font file, and tell us the size and colors and quantities you want, we can do the SIMPLE typesetting for FREE ON ORDERS THAT ARE PAID FOR BEFOREHAND. Simple typesetting is free on just about all orders if you are clear as to what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions About Shirts

What kind of shirts do you have? Are they good quality?

We only sell 100% cotton, Heavyweight 5.5 oz., Preshrunk T-shirts, unless the customer requests a more expensive and/or heavier weight t-shirt. Prices listed on our website are for good, quality 100% cotton t-shirts. You can get 50/50 t-shirts if that is what you want, however the price for 50/50's are the same as 100% cotton t-shirts.

Do your T-shirt prices listed include shipping? If not, how much will it cost to ship shirts to me?
Costs per shirt listed on our T-shirt pricing tables do not include shipping cost, however each pricing table page contains a link to a shipping cost table, which you can view here.
Shipping cost for t-shirts is based on the quantity of t-shirts (the weight), and your zipcode (the distance the shirts must travel to your location).
For a shipping cost quote please e-mail us your postal zip code and a range of quantities of shirts you may be interested in getting. We will gladly give an accurate shipping cost for you to consider.
A word about SHIPPING CHARGES VERSUS SALES TAX from a LOCAL VENDOR in your area: Shipping charges are almost ALWAYS LOWER than sales tax charges that you may have to pay to a local vendor. Even if we are sending shirts from our location in CA to MD, we are still very competitive in price to a Maryland vendor.

What are screen/setup charges?

We use silk screens to print images onto shirts and vinyl sticker sheets. A screen is needed for each color of the image of the design for each side. We can print up to 8 colors per side.
Screen setups are one time charges per design. Price per screen is $10.00 per color per side. If you were to reorder shirts with the same design in the future without changes to the artwork, then there would be NO screen setup charges.

I want to get black shirts with white ink on the front AND the back. How many colors would that be?

Two. We would have to print one color (white) on the front of the shirt first and then print one color on the back (White), so that would make it a two color job, even if both the front and back are white.

Can I mix or match sizes and quantities of shirts? Do they have to be in even dozens of color and size, or can I get what I think I need?
Yes you can mix or match sizes and quantities of shirts. They do NOT have be in even dozens either. If you need 7 small, 9 medium 14 large and 39 XL, that is no problem.
You can also mix colors of shirts in the same T-shirt color categories that we offer, if the ink colors you choose will work with different colored shirts.
It is not possible to mix white shirts and dark shirts within in an order without occurring ink color change charges (if it's possible to do in the first place). We charge $10.00 per ink color to change the color of ink in the middle of a shirt job (if it can be done).

Can you e-mail me a picture of the shirt colors so I can decide what I want?
Yes we can e-mail you a jpeg of shirt color swatches to give you a good idea of what colors look like. The jpeg is NOT EXACT (due mainly to differences in computer monitors), but you will be able to see the difference in the color names. Just request a T-shirt color chart and we will e-mail it to you promptly.

What is the minimum quantity of shirts I can get?
24 shirts is our minimum. If you wanted only 12 shirts, the price per shirt for 12 would add up the same as if you got 24 shirts. That is because it takes the same amount of time and labor to prepare the artwork for screen printing, produce the film, coat and burn the screens, and set up the press for 12 shirts or 24 shirts, or even 100 shirts. Once we actually start printing the shirts, it doesn't take that much more time to print 12 or 24 shirts, etc...

How big of an image can you print on a shirt? How big can I make my artwork?
Our maximum print area is 14 inches by 16 inches per side for t-shirts. Most t-shirt images are 10" to 11" across the chest, however it's up to you to decide how big you want your graphics to be, and your artwork should be created to that size. It's all a matter of your taste.

Frequently Asked Questions About Package Deals

Do the T-shirts and stickers have to be printed with the same design/image?
No, you can have one design for the shirts and a different design for the stickers if you would like. You can only use one design for the shirts and one design for the stickers. If you had two designs for t-shirts, then that would be two separate jobs/orders. The same goes for stickers as well.

How long does it take to get a Package Deal printed and shipped to me?
We print and ship all orders (including Package Deals) in 10 working (business) days or less from once we receive approved artwork and payment. Shipping transit time is 1 to 5 business days, depending on your location.

I need more shirts and less stickers (or vice versa), but I want Package Deal pricing. Can you help me?
Yes, we can modify the Package Deals to fit your needs. Just request a quote and we happily get you the info to you.

I didn't see anything about screen charges on the Package Deals pages. Are those hidden charges that I have to worry about?
On Package Deal orders we give two free screen setup charges (if you added a second color to the shirts).
We do not have any hidden charges whatsoever - you will know the charges and the reason for any charge before an order is accepted by us from you. We strive to be clear in our communications with our customers so there will be no misunderstanding.

Frequently Asked Questions About Posters

Can I have a full color photograph put on a Screen Printed Poster?
Not on our screen printed posters that are listed on our website. The photos have to be one color (Black on white, Blue on white, etc.) or a duotone for our screen printed posters.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buttons

Q: Are there any price differences between color and black & white buttons?
A: Absolutely Not! At RazorBlade Printing, all of our prices are the same regardless of color.

Q: How long will it take before I receive my buttons?
A: If you need your order asap, please select a date on our order form! Most orders are generally shipped within 10 working days. It really depends on the size of your order & the volume of business we are currently experiencing. We do our best to get all orders out as soon as possible, but we do experience high volume during certain times of the year, so please allow us plenty of lead time to produce your order, especially for larger orders. All orders are placed in queue by size (small & large), so the earlier you place your order, the sooner it will be shipped. If you do need your buttons by a specific date, please select the Month and Day you need your buttons "In Hand" at the bottom of the Order Form (STEP 2). We will send you a Rush Order Invoice within 24 hours of placing your order. If you do not receive this invoice, it means that your date is reasonable enough to be shipped without an additional fee. We cannot guarantee an order to arrive on time if you do not select an "In Hand" date and pay the Rush Order Invoice (if applicable).

Q: Can I have more than 1 button design in my order?
A: Please refer to our Prices page for package design maximums. You will be provided with the 4 upload areas in our order form (please zip your files & note how many of each file you want in the Additional Order Notes/Comments if submitting over 4 images). If you do have 2, 3, or 4 designs uploaded, we will simply divide them up equally, unless specified otherwise in the # Area next to each image you are uploaded. For example: if you want 50 X FILE 1 buttons, 100 X FILE 2 buttons, and 100 X FILE 3 buttons, you would enter 50,100,100 in the respective text boxes. For orders 10,001+, we will contact you via email in regards to your specific maximum. If by chance you submit more designs than you are allowed in your button package, we will send you an invoice for the additional designs for $10/extra design. If this is not paid within 24 hours, we will use the first submitted.

Q: Can I order a different amount of buttons than offered on the Prices page?
A: If you are interested in ordering a different amount than amounts posted on our Prices page, simply select the package closest to it without going over, and put the number of buttons/each design you'd like next to the images you are uploading. If you are ordering a repeat order, note how many you want of each design in the "Additional Order Notes/Comments" section of the Order Form. For example, lets say you want only 400 buttons. You would choose the lower package that's closer to 400, which is the 250 package (not 500). You then enter the amount you want of each button in the areas designated next to the upload field, or in the "Additional Order Notes/Comments". After you complete your order and pay for 250 buttons, we will then send you an invoice via email for the other 150 buttons at the 250 package rate. Once the invoice is paid in full, your order is complete. If you do not pay the invoice within a reasonable time, your order will be filled per how many you paid for, and we will use our best judgment to determine how many of each design you will receive. Please remember that when you want a different amount, you must pay the rate of the package below the amount you are requesting. Please Contact Us for a quote if you are confused or have any additional questions.

Q: I want to order 1000 or more pins, is there any way I can get an example?
A: If you are intending on ordering 1000 or more pins, but would first like to see an example, we suggest you try our 4 Button Example Pack. This pack will will give you a great example of what your pins are like. We are not able to give away free samples due to the high demand, unless you are a company/band that is intending on ordering 50,000+ buttons. A website and/or contact must be provided to authenticate your claim for free samples.

Q: About how big is a 1" button?
A: 1 Inch Buttons are approximately the size of a US quarter

Q: What if I have a question not answered here?
A: All inquiries can be directly submitted through our Contact Page. Please don't hesitate to ask us anything about our products & services. You will have a response within 24-48 hours.

If you have any questions about the above feel free to e-mail us anytime, or call 805.469.7849
between the hours of 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.