
For Guys with Tongue Rings

I'm Superior

MAC's Suck

The Tech Support Diary

HelpDesk Form

 Screw the Nice Guys

D and D Meets Practicality

  Class Pictures

Tim Tale #1

  "Dare Devil" Review

  Forum Fun!

  Demotivational Presentation

Fun with Jehovah Witnesses

  Pro XBOX Rantings

  Anti Gamecube Rantings

 I Hate People That Wake Me Up

Complaining People

 Lord of The Rings is Better Than Your Mother

 Feminists Are Wrong...and Stupid

 Why can't there be White Entertainment Televion?

 I Hate Trees

Other Items

 Past Quotes



 Text Message Anyone


Evil Machinations                

This site is simply a compilation of my rantings and ravings about the stupidity of human beings in general. You may notice the site has parallels to You'd be right. He as well as the stupidity of humanity were slight influences in getting me to voice my opinions on an almost never looked at page. You may also notice that the site has next to no flashy links, animation ect. You would  again, be right. Pat yourself on the back...and if you can't reach have someone else do it for you. The site simplicity was an influence from Have a look around, laugh, yell, fall on the floor. Its up to you.


I update the page when i feel like it. I don't feel like it often. Deal.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK : "Ever notice how anyone who picks up a gun and goes blasting away is usually described afterward as 'quiet and churchgoing'?" -- Judith Bandsma

Newest Items Appear At The Top Left

Email Me:
Last Updated:


The answer to the meaning of life is 42.

Future Topics

 Dropping People (No, not physically...although...)
Socially Inept People That Try to be Social
Why I Hate White People Who Think They're Black
Stupid People Should Kill Themselves
Why the Catholic Church Is Stupid
I Hate Enrique Whateverthefuckhisnameis
I Hate Imbecils who are obssessed with Pop Stars
Video Game Violence is OK...actually...its great 
 Some People Shouldn't Be Parents...They should be shot
 Depressed People should be Isolated
 Ignorant People are, In reality Stupid
 Racist People are Stupid and therfor Should Be Shot
 If you are being bullied...your a wuss
 Lets Nuke the whole Middle East
 Macs should be used for Bomb Practice
 Beef Jerky and Bacon are the two best foods in the Universe
 Family Guy is the Best Show Ever
 Stupid People Should Be Neutered

There Should Not be Welfare 

 We should Bring Back Torture as a means of Punishment