blah foolieo  LINKS!

                         um... so theres the links!


Ok so i had two soccer games this weekend and they were both very tough and they both had problems. game one: our team couldnt figure out where the hell we were playing, and when we found a place to play is was all messed up cause the field wasnt setup at all so we waited another 20 mins for that and started our game an hour late. we won 2-0 or 2-1 i dont remember which. game two, we arrive and are going to go play. so the game starts without a hitch and we go playing blah blah the team is tough but we are out playing them. so anyway somehow the ref ends up needing to see the coach for the other teams coach card thingie. (i think he was going to give the coach a yellow card) so anyway he doesnt have it so its like wtf go get ur card fool. so he has to go drive to hayward to get his card. so it turns out the game never should of started cause the refs should of checked that they had their cards before the game even started. so we wait around for like 40 mins for the coach to go get his card and its like blah blah what crap. so he gets his card and he comes back and we start to play and we finnish the game at a tie, 1-1 so its alright cause we didnt lose and i had a really good time playing. so both of my soccer games ran long and blah but its alright cause u gotta love da soccer playing!

Well, school draws near and all so i guess its a well im not positive on what exactly it is. but its a thing if ever a thing there was. So i guess up side is i get to see more people who i havent seen much during the summer. maybe all my teachers just wont give me any homework ever including in my honors class and everything. well i have to join clubs this year casuse if i dont ill have to be beat with a bat, a metal one. Well I guess later. oh yes and welcome back all people who were in China, and that doesnt only include people i know. it is extended to any all and everyone who came back from Visiting China ever.

Man, im sucha sap for yearbooks. Yearbooks sooo fully of memories *tear* shit! and im only a freshman. That means its going to get more memorable each year. and if i stop being so non school active then it will be even moreso memorable and whatnot. But then i look at the cover of the yearbook and take back everything i just said... now if our school had a million extra dollars lyin around then they could do something really cool like take pictures of seniors and put them on the yearbook cover. It would be like personal to each senior who bought a book and when u tilted the cover back and forth different pictures of the seniors showed!!!!!!!!!!! that would be the coolest thing ever! but oh well. i'll have to become in charge of yearbook covernessthingie and make it so!... nah

... blogs are really just a way so people dont have to IM u to hear about whats happening in your life. its just making it so we feel like we're being social but are really just much less social. of course as in all things this never works for everything. the only thing that works for everything are math formulas.

Remember if your on a dark desert highway with cool wind in your hair and one smell of colitas, rising up from the air. If up ahead in the distance, you see a shimmering light. If your head grows heave and your sight grows dim, and you have to stop for the night. WELL DONT DUDE CAUSE ITS HELL AND YOU ARE GONNE BE TRAPPED THERE FOREVER IF YOU DO. seriously listen to the song. Its: Eagles, Hotel California

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I gotta go driving and its gonna be all scary cause I dont know how to drive and whatnot so lets roll!! but really stay off the streets cause I might just swerve into the sidewalk to say hello to you, and on a lighter note my damn monitor is really pissing my off it keeps turning like purple and making me kick it, so yeah later

HAHA! Just got my braces off!!!! w00000000t. To take off my braces first they stuck a lovely metak object in my mouth and started cutting and yanking things in my mouth untill about 12 pounds of metal was out of my mouth. Then theres still about 12 more pounds of cement in my mouth that they have to make go byebye. Im not sure what they really did but it was mofo crazy and somehow magical and now my teeth are all brace free w00t!

Ok, people are demanding me to post. Not really tho, but I got Morrowind and I am enjoying myself in the way you enjoy playing a game and not being bored out of your ass. its fun! but sitting around and not doing anything at ALL makes me feel way to lazy, so tomorrow im gonna make myself do some kind of good workout thingie which would be good.

yawn, nada to post about but I must because... I dont know. Ive realized that I slowly lose sleep over the period of a month, so about once a month it is required that I sleep for 11-13 hours on a school night to make up for lost sleep that my body will reclaim one way or another. its kinda funky. guess WHAT?!?!? im sucha dork that im getting all excited because this game Morrowind is gonna come out in May and im gonna buy it and play it obsessivly for at least a week and be a zombie... w000000t! then I will play it throughout the summer like a zombie some MORE!!! but i am going to make myself get excersize so i dont become a total zombie, so im gonna take PE during the summer cause i am freaking wierd, like Athena, but thats ok!

Ok so me done did add some links cause ive been asking people to add a link here on their sites, so i thought it would only be nice to return the favor... even though the way most people will get here is by their links.


in case u were wondering I wasnt captured by scary ninja assasins. I got all sickie during 4th and I went to the house office then they offered me crackers and said get the fuck out. then I went back to 4th. On my way out of the class I lost it, and vomited in my english teachers trash can! then thoes bastards at the health office had to let me go... urg

In fact bah im not gonna post that, but im gonna leave this posted so that some people might wonder what the f*ck im talking about. hopefully most of you will just not care. 4-14-02 1:12pm

dum di dum dum... yawn, o yeah I got my drivers permit. I still gotta like get it signed by some psycho before its legal for me to drive com un persona 25 or older. Me likes to watchie outlaw star. i gonna watchie that now 4-13-02 1:09am

hmm I wonder its possible to put comments on this for some reason cause id be cool, so if someone happens to know how to do that im me and help me out cause im st0opid (im soo stupido that i used to wonder what it ment by im me im like ok so u are u and im me so gee thanks for clearing that up) 4-11-02 3:36pm

Ok here's some quote for no reason form a song cause it seems like i am bored and want to put one! "Anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost Anyone plain can be lovely, anyone loved can be lost" uhh, so eat that quote! 4-10-02 1:50pm

I think im not gonna be stressed about my ccg project due tomorrow. Its all good. ill just coast through it hopefully and do my half assed job, then get an ok grade. My CCG teacher does grade kinda hard so lets make that a kinda ok grade and all I have to say now is better get my half assed ass to work 4-8-02 3:53pm (lol, I added the time and date for some reason)

well this is peachy... on a scale of one to ten i have 0 html exp, i dont really want to learn either. if during the summer I get the yearning to learn then ill become the html masta! but that prolly wont happen cause im gonna be playing this game called morrowind, w00t! ok I have a PLAN!!! im bored so this is going to be my blog!!!! I could get a real blog, but this just looks so plain and lame!! so im gonna keep this and write stupid stuff in it and make it my blog

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