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Hey Everyone!

I wanted to start off by thanking everyone that visits my site, and takes the time to write me to ask me questions. I'm sorry if I've forgotten to answer anyone's questions, and I hope that by putting up the FAQ portion of the website up, it will be a lot of help. I'd put up new pictures today, because my tank is having a really good day, but I can't seem to find my digi. Good luck with all of your marine and mini reef systems!

Began Research: February 25th, 2003


This is a collection of research from my first saltwater aquarium, which is a 20 gallon aquarium. I am researching extensively, and gathering information from mutliple sources about every aspect of marine life into this interactive web-site.

Corals, sea anenomes, colorful fish - these are just a few things that I thought of when I was first considering a saltwater aquarium. A trip to the local fish store made me realize how serious an investment this was going to become. The marine hobbyist will invest a lot of time and money into these exotic creatures. So, it is likely that you want to keep all your fish, corals, and any other creatures alive to the best of your ability. I'm not claiming to be an expert. I am hoping to form an information exchange for people who love this hobby.

What to expect from my site:

swimming fish

Where I started explains the questions I asked my local fish stores and the process I went through to set up my tank. I will include a list of chemicals I use, quantities used, and more. I constructed my own tank stand, and it cost me less than 10 dollars. There will be an interactive blueprint for constructing an aquarium stand.

Where I'm at now is pretty straight-forward. Here you can find out what is in my tank now, and my reports on the creatures I have successfuly kept alive.

I am going to put up a Photo Gallery of various creatures. The gallery will only have the photos, for those interested in seeing just pictures. Each thumbnail will link to the corresponding requirements section of this site.

My requirements section will include basic requirements for each type of creature. This is basically an index - which will be based off of all my research - of every type of fish, coral, crab, snail, anenome, coral, starfish, and anything else you can think of. I will write a bit about each individual creature, along with a photo of the topic creature.

This section has my Tips and observations from personal experiences. I will be experimenting quite a bit with the animals in my tank, and I will report my findings here.

My Sources of Research section will include all web pages I used in my research, as well as books and University studies.

My Links to helpful Sites will not only include links I used for sources, but links to a variety of other web references and tools.

Finally, my guestbook is an interactive way for anyone to say anything they want about this site, or to add tips and personal experiences they have had with their marine aquariums.

I am doing my research all the time. Seeing as this is a brand new site, I will be adding things often, and frequently. Any questions about things I have not elaborated on, feel free to E-Mail Me!

Updated: September 6th, 2003


  • Added "Where I'm at now" 3/1/03
  • Added some things to my tank - 3/20/03
  • Added "Links" section - 3/21/03
  • Added pictures - 4/9/03
  • Added Pictures and other updates - 7/21/03
  • Added "Tips and observations" - 8/4/03 and other updates
  • Added Frequently Asked questions - 8/27/03
  • Just a few updates - 9/6/03