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Last Updated: January 3 2003
Home Dream Makers Grad Nite My People

Digital Media in Illustrations and Graphic Design


"18,816 hours worth of blood, sweat, tears, cash on loans, late nights, lost loves, parking tickets, extension conflicts, strange naked people, endless X-acto blades, eight dollar markers, tiny black tape, midnight revelations, speed bumps, no parking, brown skies, cracks of dawn, caffine overdose, fashion nightmares, gouache, language barriers, vending machine cuisine, 304 lb. toolboxes, temporary insanity, more tears, "What I meant to do was...", giving up, trying again, PMS 134, crushed egos, sanding, sanding, sanding through, starting over, guys in aprons, flooded ashtrays, girls in overalls, packs of wild dogs, "I didn't think it's gonna work," three wheeled cars, yellow foam dandruff, PowerBook envy, not loading the camera, calling it a night at 5 am, getting up at 4 am, woundering if you're really going to change the world, batch rendering, style vs. content, Thai food, crits, orange dots, and lots of parents who can't explain what their kids do."
- Art Center College of Design

"In the end, you're measured not by how much you
undertake, but by what you finally accomplish."
- Donald Trump"

"A tragic irony of life is that we so often achieve
success or financial independence after the
reason for which we sought it has passed."
- Ellen Glasgow

"They always say time changes things, but
you actually have to change them yourself."
- Andy Warhol

"I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act;
but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act."
- G.K. Chesterton

        01-03-03 Happy New Year everybody out with the old and in with the new. Well this past few weeks have been great. Shot pool, hung out with some friends, went to the mall and all that Christmas nonsense. Had a chance to go to six flags with my god sister. New Years was great. Now i gotta go get my crap ready for next semester. At the moment i'm kinda eerr.... right now. A lot of stuff happened or should i say didnt happen and i have no fawkin idea whats going on so im a little pissed. Well great way to start the new year but whatevers.

        12-15-02 This week i've been really busy. On sunday Henry asked offered me a job at his girlfriend's parents videostore. Needing the money i accepted the job so next week i gotta meet with her girlfriend and her parents so set everything up. Monday i was working on a project for my chinese class plus i had to memorize a dialogue for the next day and on friday Eric sat with me and he asked that after my internship is over if im intrested in working with in on a project in january with pay. Hahaha pay is good. I would love to work with him as long as it doesnt get in the way with all my art classes next semester. Bought a hella lot of christmas presents and there's still more people that i need to get. Oyyy pray for my financial aid check to come real soon.

        12-04-02 Well yet again there are people in this world who really amazesses me : ) I really gotta have more fate in people that i meet. This year;s Thanksgiving was alright. Mom went to Philie for a few weeks so she couldnt make it spend Thansgiving with us. Well ever since my last entry i've been having a lot of work for my internship and i'm not really sure if i can handle it. I just registered for my Art Center at Night class this week. Everything is all ready for the spring now i gotta find something to do for winter break :/

        11-17-02 Well this week has really been a test for me. I'll explain that to you later but first a summery for the week. Well nothing really intresting happened this week. I went to my internship as usual. I learn how to use Final Cut Pro and im working on another project for Coca Cola and Pepsi where when you go to a fastfood resaurant when they give you those big as plastic soda cups. Well The Aura Group has come up with an idea where theres an interactive CD that goes on top of the cap of those plastic cups. Why do those soda company want the cups to come with a interactive CD?? a coaster maybe?? i dunno i jstu do what they tell me. Well on saturday i went to visit an old park that i used to go to. No its not my happy place its a park way back when i used to pactice matrial arts there. Well when i went there nothing changed much other then i was kinda intrested in practicing the Tai-Chi sword with a park full of enderly asians. I swear its like a piece of Tai Pei over there. Well anyways on sunday morning i went to practice with them since i already have a tai-chi sword anywayz and damn those old people kicked my ass. Its gonna be a while before i can be as good as they are.

        Well this week i really learned how people i meet in my past changed who i am for the better. But now i gotta learn not to be attached to them. If they happen to change for the worse i just gotta learn to let them be. I've noticed that i always try to save other people from making wrong decisions and as a result i dont pay attention to my life. I just gotta learn to be one of those guys that can come and go with my emotions at all because i came too far to faulter now. If they were ment to be one of those special people in your life then faith will be on their side.

        11-12-02 Wow its been a whole year since i started this website and look how far i came hehehe. A whole year of meeting new people and life changing adventures. Haha who knew in a year my life would head towards the direction that im going now. Bernice, Andy and Helen, Annette people that have taught me lessons that would propell me into another level... but enough about this gotta move towards the future. This week ive been actually getting some intresteng projects that can sharpen my illustrator skills. Art Center At Night schedule havent come out yet so i gotta wait til early December before i can register for my class there. Next week hopefully i can write a lot more intresting things that happen to me. I'm now at the mood of reflecting my past.

        11-09-02 There have been so much going on this week so i'll just give you a a quick overveiw. Well i went to visit my old ROP teacher back in high school but he was busy doing some religious halloween thingy so oh welps. On monday my god sister called me but cingulair sucks that's all i gotta say about that. Went to my internship that day and i saved my work on a zip so i can work at it at home but while i was driving home i remembered that i dont have a zip drive.... dumb ass. Well tuesday i went to go visit my old R.O.P. teacher again and he was pretty cool. Later on he got all Jesus freak on me and he started to lecture me about the bible and all the stuff they said in the bible came true and all... FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF!!!!!! Before i can reach for my car door he handed me a book titled, "New Believer's Bible 'First Steps For New Chrisitans'". I was like eerr??? Now dont get me wrong but i had really long conversations about religion before and they're very intresting but i just don't like to be lectured. Well then that was all said and done i went to go get my zip drive and when i took it home it didnt work so that night i spent the entire time dling different drives. In the next morning i called the tech support number and guess what they suggest?? "I think you should go exchange it" Well did and the new one works fine but when I put in the zip disk from the company some of the files wont open. ggrrr... Well that was wednesday and i dont remember what i did on thursday but today traffic was hell. It was stop and go for an hour to and from Fullerton. I'm glad that now im actually working on actual projects for the company. Well that was basically my week oh yeah and Gloria im probably gonna mail this weeks letter on saturday so you're probably gonna get it a little bit late since i was so busy with all this stuff sorry.

        10-29-02 Well this week i haven't been active with The Aura Group since they haven't called me yet for my schedule. Yesterday i went on a toup through The Art Center campus and it's not as intimidating as i thought. Pieces in the Student Gallery is really impressive especially in product and transportation design area of the gallery. i can't wait to take my Art Center At Night class in the spring. Then i can finally say that I'm a current student in The Art Center hehehe.

        10-22-02 I visited the company's headquarters in fullerton and almost got side swipe by a old lady driving her new red Benz. What an idiot i should've stayed in the lane and let her hit me instead of riding the median and move ahead of her. Well anyways the company has a very laid back enviornment. Played with the company dog and all. The company of six people and the company's mascot, for sucha little company they produce some pretty kewl stuff. Finally wrote a letter to my god sister hehe sont worry its on its way by tomorrow. Gotta find a freakin 37 cent stamp first. Well basically thats it for this week. I'm planning to learn Flash once Phuong can hook me up with a copy of it.

        10-14-02 Well i finally talked with the teacher and the Dean in the art department and all i have to do now is fill out papers. All good right?? Finally reaching my goal right?? Well few of you know this but god likes to play with me like some puppet in his show. I called the conpany to follow up on my situation and i thought that i would be working side by side with the client for the company. Turns out I'm gonna start out making phone calls, filing papers, or mowing the company's lawn. Can you believe this @#%$?? *sigh* well i can turn back now.

        10-08-02 This week ive been running around school to get the ball rolling for that internship. Hopefully by next week i will know if i got the internship or not. Also i had to learn that you just have to believe in fate. If people are who i think they are, they will pass their tests in their lives. If not, then maybe they werent the person i thought they were.

        10-01-02 Well I took two art classes over the summer and I saved up enough creative juices to reopen my website again. To summerize my summer i spent the time to rethink my priorities and meet a few friends a long the way. I'm trying to build up my art portfolio for the Art Center. As of now, I'm trying to organize a internship with a company called The Aura Group if you wanna see how the company is like you can visit their company's website at www.theauragroup.com

        03-03-02 Well I finally realized that I'm not the kind of person that could express themselves on a website so I'm abandoning my site due to lack of creativity and other karmic seeds that had finally sprouted in my life. *sigh* What a intresting year this has been....

        12-10-01 *phew* finally found mah grad nite pixs so i posted dem up and did some finishing touches on the other pages. Damn it seems lyke mah website ish starting to look lyke a photo album. Hopefully during winter break i'll be bored enough to put mah 411 on the main payge.

        12-04-01 Had some technical dificulties with one of the people who were viewing mah website so i had to move da entire site into different URL's.

        11-25-01 By the way sign my guestbook so i'll feel special.

        11-25-01 Just got home frum Ernies B-day party. It was kinda boring at first but it picked up after a while lol. Meet a lot of intresting peepo blah blah blah so haben been spending tym on mah web site as much as I want to(didn't make any sense at all). Gotta pick mah classes for next semester n gotta work on mah x-tra credit for biology so i probably won't be updating by website until da beginning of december but it's not like you guys check my web site newayz so screw u all!!!

        11-15-01: It's 3:15 in the morning and I'm sitting here on my bed working on my web site. This is what happends when you haven't gone out lately. Free me from this non-existence Henry. Well I posted up some pictures that I have so far. I lost the grad nite pixs so oh welps.

        11-12-01: Well the links are all set up and working so i'll try to post up some graduation pix later this week if i can find time.

        11-11-01: Trying to set up my links up. I'm starting to get the hang of HTML thanks to Ernie, John, and P.W.H.(you know who you are) lol.

        11-09-01: Trying to learn HTML right now so bare with me.

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