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Tuesday, 5 October 2004
Pecan Harvest
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Pecans
Here we are in October and the Pecan Harvest is well on the way. In some areas early pecan varieties are being gathered and on the boarder and Mexico the budded pecans are being marketed. Rumor has it native pecans are going to sell for well over a dollar and lets hope they stay there. The harvesting equipment is still selling fast and I belive theres going to be a shortage of equipment especially for the new guys starting. To view equipment go here Equipment Link or to buy new equipment call toll free 888-688-7273. John Pape

Posted by hi5/petski at 3:56 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 3:48 PM
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Thursday, 14 October 2004 - 11:02 PM

Name: Drew

Good morning! As we get closer to harvest here in southwest Missouri, we are becoming more disappointed. It seems the excess rain and perhaps late frost in early May caused more damage than we thought. High prices will be nice for those with a crop. Too high a price can be a bad thing as the food manufacturers will substitute something else for pecans in some of their recipes. This will cause much lower prices next time there is a good crop as the demand base will be slow to return.

There is a lady in Eldorado Springs, Mo. with a Savage shaker for sale. She can't find a tag on it but says it's either a 4200 or 2542. Priced around $4500 or a little less. Call 417-667-3501 and we'll get you her #.

Monday, 25 October 2004 - 12:55 PM

Name: Doro Packlick

I wish our pecans were better this year. Too many are not ripe / or dried out. But then, it does not really matter - we inherited the trees with the house, so they are considered to be "free gifts". Trees too old? House was built in the mid-60s.

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