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RPNN goes to mars: Continuing exclusives. Follow the journey of one of our "brave" reporters and a trusty crew .Latest episode- Mars Adventures.
We like short shorts, do you like short shorts? Well we have some sports shorts just for you. Sports Shorts 7

RPNN gets submissions's the latest: The sims do battletech.

Extra!! Lance Armstrong Interview! Sports Talk.
Grey Xphile-one more nutty personality and what conspiracies have him paranoid: Xphile Tapes:1
Get polled-what are those goofballs at the RPP forums asking you to decide: Best Old School Nintendo Game.
We review video games occasionally...check out toggled review.. Toggled Review.


The Adventures of Fred Stickman

RPNN wisdom of the week.

Fred is a PR man we have sent out every week to a different location to have his picture taken.  Check his link out below to see where he is now.

Attention Readers: Fred Stickman will be taking a haitus for a while. Due to the current time strains of the various staff members we are cutting fred to shift time to giving you the usual stuff on a regular basis. Fred may return, but we are not certain. You can catch his past adventures in the mean time.

Fred pg. 1. Fred pg. 2.

A tidbit of wisdom free of charge via the RPNN staff or fans each week. Yeah we know it's cheap but it's only because we care for every one of you.

"I was going to say something grand, but then I realized that the Internet is just one giant ego stroke. And I feel humble today." Quote by, Peter Smith.

past wisdom.

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We represent a "new" art form....

Home Page and Extras: Go to our home page or check out the other links below.

Really Pathetic Productions

Grey and the Mighty Trout

Check out the previous weekly random photo.


Wanna Help Promote RPNN? Use our banner created by Blue Wombat.

News: Criminals do the Dumbest Things.

Sports:Alternative Fuel Racing.

Opinion: David Hasselhoff reports all is well.

Entertainment: U.N. almost picks new Secretary General.

Really Pathetic News Network™  is a Concept developed under Really Pathetic Productions © and is copyrighted under the full extent of the law.

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Check out the archive: Past articles and extras

Need a Change of Comic Strip?: Weekly Stickmata

Got a question about stuff?: Ask the Great Dashukta Master.

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