
This is where people say random things...

BaTmAn10FoReVeR: liL naT..you are off da chainz to da 5th power..dats my word..hehe

RabidSOADfan: im a girl boy

MishMoshin: Night Night NitterNatter

Boinker1203: woah and im typing like mad fast help hyper attack c omming ahh ::spazes on the floor:: natalie kiss me ahhahadjfh alsjf asdlf

randomhero453: stop making fun of me ::runs away and crys in a corner::

TraptyOUTh: My baby diiiiiiiiied

Missionmojo: thats bc ever one know me bc im so sexy

Auto response from VolcomSurfSk8Sno: shame on u nit nat

randomhero453: ur my super star

AshleighLouHoo: member when u thought u were mario n tried to hop on lilly pads across the river

Roxygrl930: k, so wut if i haven't taken a shower in a month!!!

MestUpKiwi: *makes a tooth brush noise*

ApAcLaIrE: i'm not the weakest link! i'm not the weakest link! i'm not the weakest link!

SPONGBOBSEXYPNTS: *does freestylin*

UnCcoWgRL250: i should've been a cowboy

Roxygrl930: i'm chillin like a villan yo home fry

EmoChick238: if i go 420! then she came back into the room and stop talkin bout her, lol

RabidSOADfan: do yo yaho

ItSgOtFaNgS4U: well i gotsta bounce a bannana and split

EmoChick238: hello my name is lou and im a penguinaholic

UniverseAngel87: it's my sleepy time

MestUpKiwi: rubber ducky your the one

SpatulasAmazeMe: They should jus go ahead and make drugs legal...think about that for a sec, lol

Missionmojo: my car looked lonely out side all by its self so i got up and went out side and keep it company be back in a few

CarolinaHoney27: what? gum?

bballer5665: chillin, gettin dizzy

UnCcoWgRL250: a fly cant bird but a bird can fly....think about it

UnCcoWgRL250: and how come ure nose runs and ure feet smell?

Kowkrazy998: yessiree bob

RabidSOADfan: *rock*



*who needs help in math??*
burntdownmushell: they were those 80 dollars ones
burntdownmushell: ugh
burntdownmushell: I had to pay 20 of it
burntdownmushell: and my dad payed 50

burntdownmarlin: why's michelle
burntdownmarlin: i meany who's caitlin

burntdownthomas: tell him i dont like him
ResQnDaWorld911: ok
ResQnDaWorld911: ill walk up to clay aiken, and hill be signin autographs and stuff, and ill be like excuse me!! and hell be like, yus would u like an autograph? and ill be all like HELL NO!! i just wanted to tel u that my friend thomas does not like u, and then ill walk away
ResQnDaWorld911: with a big smile on my face
burntdownthomas: hahahhaa that woudl make my life
ResQnDaWorld911: LOL!!!
ResQnDaWorld911: ill try an do it just for u!!
burntdownthomas: thast would be vury rad

burntdownmarlin: or when you have to pee
ResQnDaWorld911: lol!!!
burntdownmarlin: abd you dream you go to the bathroom

kidrock10256: yes you can
ResQnDaWorld911: no i cant
kidrock10256: ooo!! why didnt ya tell me in the first place ! haha
kidrock10256: crazy kid!

*no one will get this if u dont watch aqua teen hunger force*
ResQnDaWorld911: an u have to send me pictures of uuuuuu!!!
Kowkrazy998: I WILL!
ResQnDaWorld911: ok u dont have to yell at me:-\
ResQnDaWorld911: ...do wut now?

*at chic-fil-a*
Natalie: wow this icecreams gonna take us forever to eat
Sarah: *dives on the seat choking to death*
Natalie: *laughs hysterically*
Sarah: ok im fine, i feel high *pauses* i dont know what feeling high feels like, but seriously, i feel it

Wow, this kid is kewl
BaTmAn10FoReVeR: she wuz like..if da hurricane hit..she iz gunna be skurred..and she might run in my room and sleep on da floor or somethin..cuz i usually sleep threw hurricanez
BaTmAn10FoReVeR: ima lock my door..so she cant get in..muahhhhahahaha