Do You Love Me??

This is pretty self explanitory...

**BaTmAn10FoReVeR: i love you lil Nat

**Reesecup1987: but i still love u

**SweetlilRebel97: lylas

**randomhero453: i love u

**BluEyez12301: luv ya!!!

**Boinker1203: i luv u, like i love cigs, b/c u burn away nice and quickly, fill me up and make me feel fine, but cost alot of dough to do it again

**MishMoshin: Luv ya!

**Missionmojo: lub you


**SPONGBOBSEXYPNTS: love ya and have fun u buggar!

**UnCcoWgRL250: I luv u!!

**lilLovelyonexo: HAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAH i love uuuuuu

**EmoChick238: i luv u freeeeed!!

**ApAcLaIrE: i love you!

**RabidSOADfan: i still luv ya!

**LilSweetAshleigh: i love u!

**kidrock10256: i love you! :-D

**BurntDownMushell: I heart you :-)

**Auto response from scrEMO KIDdo: i heart natalie :-D

**man u are a beautiful person inside and out your one of the only people i can say that about
-TJ- an thats one of the most sweetest things ne one has ever said to me!