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Yo ma homies!

Why you should stay and look at my site!

OOOH! I have my own webpage! If you do not know who I am it is very sad that you have visited my page. I would like to say hi to a select people whom I love and worship dearly....

Nora, Ariel, JUlia, Rosemary, Sasha, Anna, Rachel P., Rachael M., Auttie, Nadia, Glen, Traci, Jessica, Zach, Kayla, Serena, Elaena, Tony and all the other wonderful Vortex people, Katie B., Lucas, Stevi, Alex H., Becca, Hannah F., aaahhh the list goes on forever and tell me to add you because I'm stupid and most likely forgot a very important person who I also love and worship.


-Mr. Zeigler

Listen to the secret of the Wax

The clay modeler

Although you see many, there are only few, only one

This is the unity of diversity

NOt oneness locked in singularity!


Conference of The Birds

I'll put some poems in here later for everybody to read but bear with me this is like my FIRST webpage...whoa!

Check out some cool webs

thats my online diary
this one's bout a punk named Brian
yo! I'm in a play and there's a crap picture of me on the site...good times...ah!
