Welcome, this is me, stripped

Before we start, things you must note:

My Favorite Web Site ( I don't really have one but...)

To vist when one is bored

Hey. Congratulations on discovering my website. Take a look in to what I like to call... my life. First you must meet Anne. God only knows how I should describe her. Young, beatiful, talented, amazing which are descriptions that would be untrue. NOTE: only joking... she is all that. She is totally into sex. Everyday we have to talk about something new to do with sex whether it be new positions or the latest sex toy. Once when we were 14 we went to Starbucks and left a condom wrapper under are coffee cup and had the waiter who later picked it up, listen to are debate on sexual experiances. Each time I go in there I swear they reconise us... maybe it's the notes we like to leave under the mugs. Anyways... Riwa is this whore I happen to see everyday. Nothing much to say apart fromd God still loves her. And as for me... well, I'm the one who is up for anything...and I mean that. Anne and I have a long list of things to do before we're 30. Most of them of course are to do with sexual must does. You might think I am a bit sad... being such a big Kylie fan but she rocks and you know it! One day Olivier Mrtinez will find me and fall madly in love with me. He is so so so hot... although Anne doesn't think so. Mind you, see so has not seen the film UNFAITHFUl. Oh... what an amazing body. Anne seems to think she's married to Orlando Bloom. Olivier is so much better... Altogether we are FUCKING SEXY BITHCES rocking the world! Love me. xXx