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His never ending change
I like it his way
Seeding and Harvest
Night following day

Summer and Winter
Heat and cold
Spring and Fall
With colours so bold

Cows with calves
And springtime hope
The love of a special horse
The usefulness of a rope

The independence spirit
The love of the land
The quiet pride
The helping hand

The wind and snow
A part of the whole
The ever changing elements
That touch me to the soul

The grace of moose and deer
The birds migrating at first light
The coyotes howling
Through the night

The days so sunny and bright
The mighty wind across the plain
The thunder and lightning skies
The smell of pine after rain

The peace and quiet
The Creator does it right
His never ending change
The flow of day and night

Martyca 12/02/2002



Welcome to my page.

I hope you enjoy my country as much as I did making it.......Martyca

Published 2/07/02

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