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    High School Reunion 1984 - 1985         

Our Reunion Photos


Class Photos
    Grade 11 1984
Grade 12 1985

Grade 12 Group


Found & Attending

Missing People

Reunion Book

Reunion CD

Reunion Quiz



Below are some photo of our reunion weekend.
Saturday 30th  April - Sunday 1st May 2005 

A collection of photos are available for sale on CD
Click here for details or go to our Reunion CD Page

Click on thumbnails below to enlarge.

11A & 12A

11B & 12B

11C & 12C


11D & 12D

11E & 12 E

11F & 12F


Prefects of 1985

Iain Jackson & Vicki MacIntosh 1985 School Captains

Rod Bailey


Stewart Jackson
Deputy Principal

Wayne Hogan – Our MC

Group photo at school


Teachers at the school
Ian Ogston, Wayne Boldery, Ashley Taylor, Jean Hunter, John Poulter, Paul Molloy, Rod Bailey


Our Reunion Organisers
 Mark & Wendy Ready, Lisa Macklin & Sandra Hall


Thank you for being visitor

to our reunion site.