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Hey Everyone, whats shaking?.... Your probably thinking 'Oh my Chelle, yet another boring ole' homepage' but you know you love it. Cept this one is just basically a place to put my pics. If you know me well then dont bother reading the rest of this paragraph. But, If you don't (and why the hell not?) then read on.

March 10/05:Added a bunch of new pictures to each album.
March 13/05:Added 3 pics of Madison in my photo album... first hair cut, also added the picture below.

Name:Chelle Traquair
Birthdate:Nov. 5th/84, making me 20.
Height:5'4' ish
Background:Canadian Scottish
Tatts:3, pics and meanings in Photo Album
Piercings:Had four, now down 2 two. Nose and Lebret.
Status: Im a mom of a beautiful 2 almost three year old daughter Madison.
Fav. Things:Coke, Kraft Dinner, Jim Carrey, Avril.

Name:Madison Rain-Lea
Birthdate:June 23rd/02
Background:Canadian Scottish
Fav Show: Max and Ruby & Cordoroy Bear
Fav Food(s):Chocolate Milk w/ spoon, Fruit Roll ups, Corn, Apple sauce,
Toast w/ honey or peanut butter, NeThInG as long as it has Ketchup.

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My Photo Album
Pictures of Madison before age 2
