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Hey guys!

I apologize like 100 times over for this taking so long! I have been super busy trying to work school stuff out and find a job! School is very busy for me, but it looks like it will be a fun year (only because I am a nerd, but it's all good!). In one of my classes we actually get to produce a newspaper from scratch! So I am excited!

Anyways this website is made for you guys! There are pictures of camp, and there is a guest book for you guys!

Because I am a journalism student, I am always looking for things to write articles on, or to take pictures of. SO if you guys know of anything exciting, or hear of anything going on in Calgary or the surrounding area, let me know!

I ask one thing, I made this site here so it is somewhat private so that not everyone in the whole world will see the pictures. That is why I didn't post them on my "my Space" on msn! So I ask that you only show your close friends and your family this site!

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Check out these photos!

Pictures from camp!!
More Pictures!
A Letter from Princess Toad!
