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Here you can contact me by signing my guestbook (with a problem or a comment on my site) or by emailing me. Emailing is totally private and i can NOT see your email address(unless you put it in your message.) By entering your email address in the box you simply create a 'reply' button on your email for me. However, if you do want to tell me your email address so that we can chat out of my site just put it in your message. If you would like to email me (this is restricted to advice requests only) then please click on the grey square below, and i will send you a reply as soon as I can, giving you some support and outlining your options for your situation. You can also pop into one of the chat rooms (we have two, advice chat and general chat) to see if anyone is there and ask advice, or just chat. Scroll down for links.

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This webpage was last updated on 17/1/05