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Hey People! Whatsup? Not shyt here...never is...well anywayz im new at this so if this page looks kind of weird then OoOoOoH well! LOL...Ok so this page isnt really about anything because i dont know what im doing really but i juz wanna say hey to all my friendz!...Kelsey, Kisha, Lizzi, Mallie, Maddy, Mandi, Megan, Molle, Joe,Drew and of coarse Nick... i love yall sOoOoOo Freakin much! Stay crazy n stay sweet...but most of all stay IN trouble!LOL!!!!!!! *2~13~03* tryin to update this since i have pix of me n my friendz now but i still dont really kno what im doin but anywayz...hey to all my friends again! have yall been gettin in lotz of trouble like i said??? Mallie...we need 2 stop skippin...lololol! K..well let me see if thiz shyt works...just look at these pages.

My NeXt PaGe

My 411
