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Winter Flurry 2004 Presents: The Blizzard of Oz

Casino Nite: Emerald City Slots

Concert: Jason LeVasseur & Tim Mahoney

Post-Concert Party @ Nick and Jamaal's Place

Snowball: Welcome to the Emerald City

Yay Winter Flurry!

Hey everyone... so this is a huge work in progress. I'm still in the midst of scanning pics, reformatting, and putting them up so it might take me awhile to get all the pics up. I'm slowly working on it between classes and such. (Studying? Sleep? Food? Who needs them? lol) Mad thanks to Tyler, Marissa and Nick who contributed some pics for this. If any of you guys have pics you wanna see up here to share with everyone else, just let me know. See ya'll around campus! ~Zea

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