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Man Smirking.

alright alright. i've had enough take down your fuckin monitor. burn your fucking pants. throw mustard on your fucking keyboard. Light your house on fire and piss on the ashes. and all in all. welcome to man smirking, home of the greatest 3 individuals in the universe. Many of you have experienced the Man Smirking experience, and understand its glory; many of you have not.

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Listening to Man Smirking has many side affects, such as: Deafness, Extreme Breakage of any objects around you, Temporary Blindness, Pregnancy, Wierd Tumors in funny places, and an extreme urge to eat tuna fish covered in leather.

Man Smirking is...

The History of the Greatest Band Ever
Man Smirkings Discography
San Mirking, in the making