Welcome to Mark's Place

Today is ... and only Days til Christmas!

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Welcome To Mark's Place

Hello Everybody!

Here is my first web page so grab a beverage and be tolerant. I am loading information about me and my friends as well as many pictures. Some of you may be pleasingly stunned (and I hope that you will not object)to see yourself here (CLICK ON ALL PICTURES). Just sharing many of my thrills with the rest of the world. I hope that you will enjoy yourselves. I promise that I will keep it nice and clean.

Party on Dudes! Cheers

Czesc Wszystkim!

To jest moja Strona Internetowa wiec chwyc sobie kaffe i prosze o tolerancje. Laduje tutaj nowe informacje o mnie i moich kolegach jak i rowniez mnostwo zdjec. Niektorzy z was moga byc przyjemnie zaskoczeni (mam nadzieje ze nie bedziecie mieli objekcji) by widziec siebie tutaj (KLIKNIJ NA WSZYSTKIE ZDJECIA). Dziele sie moim szczesciem z reszta swiata. Mam nadzieje ze bedzie sie Wam podobalo. Przyrzekam ze bede trzymal wszystko czysto i przyjemnie.

Party on Dudes! Narazienko.

To my Best Friends in Gdansk-Przymorze (i Trojmiescie),

Wishing You Great Health!

"...oto sa oto wszyscy sa przyjaciele moi z wielu stron
co za pochód co za piekny krok maszeruja ramie w ramie wprost
i w bamboszach, w garniturach z pidzamami pod pachami,
z posadami, podatkami i z bialymi choragwiami
ida tlumy ich tlumy ich tlumy ich tlumy ich tlumy ich tlumy ich tlumy ich..."


Grzesiek "Urko" Urbanski

Krzysiek "Maly" Rosinski

Tomek "Ziutek" Sutor

Wiesiek Chojnacki

Jarek "Tancerz" Chojnacki

Marek "Gruby" Antczak

Klick Here For Recent Entry

Day 1.
So far so good... I am making progress. I will continue to update and add stuff so please be sure to check me out as often as you can. Also send me e-mails with your thoughts and ideas. I hope it works. This is a picture of Cheryl taken this past Christmas. Super gorgeous!

Dzien 1.
Jak na razie... robie progres. Bede kontynuowal codziennie i dodawal roznosci wiec odwiedzajcie mnie jak najczesciej. Rowniez wysylajcie do mnie e-mail'y z waszymi myslami i pomyslami. Oby to tylko dzialalo. To jest zdjecie Cheryl wziete w te zeszle Swieta. Super elegancka! Adios!

Day 2.
I have successfully created the table borders within which I write text.. This means that any one of you and me should be able to view this web as it is intended, properly aligned at least ! Now the process of creating and uploading more information, in an elegant manner, continues. The anticipation is giving me constipation. Ouch!

Dzien 2.
Dzisiaj osiagnalem sukces robiac tabele w ktorych pisze tekst. To znaczy ze kazdy z was, jak i ja, powinien widziec moja strone poprawnie jak przykazano. Proces dodawania zdjec jest 24 godziny na dobe. Ta nieswiadomosc resultatow daje mi o biegunke. Ahh

Day 3.
Man, I did it! Finally I cracked the code to create variety of table borders that I want. Feels darn good I tell you. Well, with holidays behind us I am still on vacation and dedicating "few" hours a day to my web. This photo is very much disliked by Cheryl. Personaly I think that she looks super sexy! Cheers!

Dzien 3.
Nareszcie! Dzisiaj pojalem kody ktorymi bede mogl robic takie tabele jakie chce. Czuje sie swietnie ... nie musze lezec nie musze siedziec, Ah! A wiec, Swieta za nami a ja wdalszym ciagu na wakacjach dedykuje "kilka" godzin dziennie na prace nad moja strona. To zdjecie Cheryl bardzo nie lubi. Osobiscie mysle ze tu wyglada super sexy! Cheers!

Day 4.
What a day. We are officially snowed in . It is January 2, 2003 and the snow finally arrived. Actually it looks great at this time of the night. The morning drive will be "fun" though. I continue to plug away at my new baby Web. Also weekend is upon us again and I don't have immediate plans. Guess what? Probably it will be me, myself and ... my web.

Dzien 4.
Co za dzien. Zostalismy oficjalnie zasniezeni. Dzisiaj jest 2-gi Styczen, 2003 i sniegu jest po leb. Wyglada calkiem przyjemnie... z okna. Za to podroz samochodem bedzie "zabujcza". Dalej pracuje nad strona. Weekend nadchodzi ponownie a ja planow ani ani. Z pewnoscia bede spedzal z osoba swoja ... i komuterem. Fajnie jest.

I have completed a humble tribute (see bottom of this page) to one of the most influential alternative bands in Poland, "Republika". Sadly they no longer perform due to a tragic death of their leader, Grzegorz Ciechowski. They had enormous impact on my life from new fashion, hair and especially standpoint on every fabric of our society. Their music lives on. *Czesc!

Ps. *(hi/bye) in Polish. I not only entertain ..... but educate too hehehe.

Dolaczylem maly kacik dedykowany dla zespolu "Republiki". Niestey od czasu smierci Grzegorza Ciechowskiego, "Republika" przestala wystepowac. "Republika" to bylo cos wiecej niz zespol muzyczny. "Republika" to bylo okno na nasz szary swiat.

Day 5.
Hello again Everybody. Today, January 3, 2003, I have unveiled my web to Cheryl (my girlfriend) and Britany (her daughter). I was happy to see that Britany approving my efforts and currently she is working on her own web and I know that it will look great. As soon as it is ready I will have link for you to check it out. However, Cheryl thinks that I write too much! C'mon you guys ... don't you want to know all the latest tittle-tattle about my cronies and me, eh? Me...? ..writing too much ...? That's absurd. And because of this maybe I will dedicate a special column only about Cheryl. Ciao baby!

Ponownie witam Was. Dzisiaj jest 3-ci Styczen i po raz pierwszy pokazalem moja website mojej dziewczynie Cheryl jak i rowniez jej corce Britany. Britany bardzo mnie chwalila i w tej chwili pracuje nad swoja website ktora wam podam jak tylko to bedzie mozliwe. Cheryl natomiast oznajmila ze ja za duzo pisze. Czy nie jest fajnie poczytac o najnowszych plotkach? Oczywiscie ze tak! No i wydaje mi sie ze jestem zmuszony zalozyc specjalny kacik poswiecony tylko i wylocznie o Cheryl. Narazienko!

Day 6.
I was hoping to make more progress today. Nah, it was a day off. However, I am scanning more photos and sketching a second page. I hope to publish this page soon and just keep adding more stuff as I go along. I am tired and going to bed. Good Night Everyone.

Dzien 6.
Mialem cicha nadzieje zrobic wiekszy progres. Za to zrobilem sobie dzien wolny od pracy. Jakkolwiek dalej szkicuje dla drugiej strony. Mam nadzieje ze wkrotce opublikuje sie. Jestem zrabany i ide spac. Dobranoc!

Day 7.
Actually several days have passed since I wrote anything. Call it a "writer's block". The truth be told ... several minutes have passed since I wrote this sentence. Man, I need some inspiration! Until that happens I will put more pictures, OK?

Dzien 7.
Tak wlasciwie to kilka dni uplynelo od kiedy napisalem cokolwiek. Mam tzw .... zamroczenie umuslu. Tak na prawde to kilka minut uplynelo od kiedy napisalem to zdanie. Wyslijcie mi Muze bo potrzebuje inspiracji! Za nim to nastapi to ide skanowac zdjecia.
Dzien ... nastepny. Drodzie Panie i Drodzy Panowie, 13 Stycznia 2003 roku moja Web Page zostala oficjalnie otwarta. Hurra! Praca nad nia dalej trwa ale mozecie nasycic sobie swoje oczeta. Prosze tylko o listy zachwalajace jak i rowniez o zdjecia ktore moglbym zalaczyc tutaj. Rowniez prosze nie krytykowac mojej Polskiej gramatyki poniewaz literek: e z kreska oraz a z kreska jak i rowniez s, c, z itp ... z kreska nie ma na moim komputerze. OK? OK! Good Night to All.

Urko! Disk DVD Republiki jest kapitalny. Na komputerze moge odtworzyc bez problemowo. Mamona Rules! Z kolega Rafalem gralismy chyba ze 150 razy. Yeah Baby Yeah!

Krzysiek, Jarek, Wiesiek ... Gdzie Oni Sa ?!...Zabraklo Ich!

Today is January 14, 2003 .... and nobody (from across the ocean) wrote to me to tell me how great is my website. Now, I have no choice but to fly over there and kick some serious derrière!

Dzisiaj jest 14-ty Styczen, 2003 .... i jak do tej pory nikt nie napisal do mnie jak wspaniala jest moja website. Nie mam wyjscia tylko przyjechac i skopa w de ...

Hello there. Just a quick note regarding a TV show series "24" (every Tuesday at 9:00 PM). It is the BEST show on TV land. I can't believe it how well it is written. Of course let's not omit the fact that Kiefer Sutherland (Canadian) kicks serious dust. This is a story-driven series with absolute incredible cast. Watch it people and you will have something to talk about at your water cooler at work.

January 17, 2003.
The calls and e-mails are flooding my telephone lines with requests to have links to some funky sites. I picked a few that I visit on occasion. If you have suggestions than let me know and I make sure to add it in. Note to Ralph: You wanted the best .... you got the best ... the best band in Poland ... Republika! The link for you is there as per your request.

Styczen 17, 2003.
Telefony sie urywaja, w wiekszosci to w mojej glowie sa, jesli chodzi o moj web. Dodalem linki i jesli macie jakies sugestie to PROSZE PISAC do holery! Rafal ... dla ciebie zrobilem link do "Republiki" z godnie z zyczeniem.

January 19, 2003.

Tomek's Sutor Birthday!

Ziutek, Pozdrowienia i Serdeczne Zyczenia z Okazji Twoich Urodzin!

Duzo for$y, zdrowia i jezdzenia po swiecie ... Las Vegas baby? Duza buzka! Cheers!


January 24, 2003.
The internet service is officially on vacation as it takes infinity for this page to open. Welcome to the world of "high speed internet". I am going crazy. Well, with little sanity left I managed to add a few pictures on this and the second page. I only hope that you all will not have to wait hours to see it. Tomek! Thanks for the great pictures! I will be happy to display them. They are great! Please keep them coming! More more more! Also I would like to request the picture from Danmark and Italy and well from everywhere you have been!
This coming weekend I will add some more pics for the 2nd page, so come back y'all and check it out.

You know, I was thinking if you all are reading this. So if you are, then I need a favor from you: you can pass my web's address to all people in the world but I will require a small donation, $ 199.95 per member ...... heheheh ... OK maybe not.... but I would like to ask to let me know if you have any problems viewing my web page. I am trying to make this experience as easy as possible. So write to me you bastards! Thanks.

Styczen 24, 2003.
Serivce internetowy jest oficjalnie tak wolno sie snujacy ze ... juz widze pierwszy siwy wlos na mojej glowie. Witamy serdecznie na internet wysokiej predkosci! W de i na drzewo. Zostalo mi jeszcze troche kontroli nad soba wiec sprobuje pisac i zalaczyc kilka zdjec. Tomek! Twoje zdjecia z Austri sa zabujcze. Oby tylko wiecej! Moze masz jakies jeszcze z Danii czy tez z Wloch? Dawaj je tutaj, man! Oprocz tego poprosze was o mala przysluge ... musicie mi napisac czy dlugo wam zajmuje wejscie na moja strone, jak i rowniez czy "oczy latajace" po stronie sa widoczne? A na stronie drugiej, czy gwiazdki sie mienia? Jak nie to sprobujcie "odnowic" strone. Wiec oczekuje od was listow! Pisac! Adios!


April 2, 2003.
Well, it's been a very long time since I wrote anything here but I think I have a excuse for it. It has been a roller coaster of a ride since the beggining of this year. I have been in the process of changing my career (it's going well)!
Now getting back to most recent events. Couple of weeks ago I had a pleasure to win tickets for ultimate heave metal concert that included Dio, Whitesnake and Scorpions! I took my buddy Ralph and we had a pleasure of meeting all the boys back stage and have pictures to prove it. It was so cool! The concert was amazing. Our ears rang for three days but it was worth it. Front row centre is awsome and I recomend it for anyone. I got my CDs signed and as a bonus I cought the signature drum stick. The pictures will be posted most likely on the second or third page (I have developed them but not scanned them yet). Please forgive me but I was busy. I promise to spend a little more time on the web.

Kwiecien 2, 2003.
Duzo czasu minelo od ostatniego komentarza. No ale mysle ze mam powod do neglektu poniewaz jestem w trakcie zmiany w karierze i jest to bardzo zajmujace. Jakkolwiek idzie calkiem nie zle!

Teraz powrocmy do wazniejszych rzeczy. Tak apropos to przedchwila skonczylem pisac ten segment jakkolwiem moj pierdzielony komputer szwankowal i pisze ponownie z nadzieja ze nic nie zapomne. A wiec, bardzo waznym wydarzeniem bylo moje wygranie biletow na koncert w ktorym wystapili: Dokken, Whitesnake i Scorpions! Pierwszy rzad! Moj kolega Rafal i ja mielismy okazje spotkac cala bande. Tak tak. Mamy zdjecia wywolane i teraz aj musze zrobic scan i wsadze je na web. Jedyna osoba z ktora nie mamy zdjecie to jest Rudy Schenker poniewaz podczas zamieszania na samym poczatku, przeszedl obok nas (smignal).... i wyszedl bocznymi drzwiami bardzo szybko. Nasza hostess'ka powiedziala nam ze cala grupa przyjdzie pozniej. Przyszli-niestety bez Rudiego. No ale i tak bylo kapitalnie. Whitesnake gral niesamowicie! Jego glos jest jeszcze lepszy niz kiedykolwiek. Nowy zestaw zespolowy gra niesamowicie. Jesli bedziecie mieli okazje to bardzo polecam. Scorpions grali ... co ma mowic .... I was BLACKedOUT!!! ROCKed me LIKE A HURRACAINE! Absolutny Scorpions jak zza dawnych czasow. Mam kilka zdjec z koncertu rowniez. Tak jeszcze krotko wspomne ze Aerosmith konceruje razem z .... KISS! Aha, otwieraja dlo Kiss'ow! Kiss bylo sie zegnac sie z Torontem dwa razy no ale Gruby bardzo by chcial powiedziec "pa" jeszcze raz. KISS to jest koncert ktory musi byc doswiadczony. Nie wiem czy maja europejskie daty wiec sprawdzcie bo naprawde to jest rock show jak zadne inne. ALOHA!

April 7, 2003.
Wow! Winter is not leaving us. Despite that spring is now officially the season, we were buried under 15 cm of icy snow. Currently we are preparing the rubber boats as the ice and snow is about to melt. No! Wait! The latest weather prognosis is ..... that's right kids...... more snow! As if the S.A.R.S. was not enough to put a slight damp on the social life of Torontonians. Deep global freeze, plague and terrorism ... ahhh ... what possibly be next, economy plunging down the toilet? No wait .... we have that already! So, to keep ourselves happy ... we eat!

Kwiecien 7, 2003.
A wiec zima w Kanadzie sie troszenke przesunela i postanowila zostac tutaj na wiosne! No to bardzo swietnie. Jeszcze mozemy miec snieg na Wielkanoc. Przez ostanie dwa dni spadlo 15 cm (sniegu i lodu)! Rowniez odsniezaczom sie skonczyly kontraly w niektorych miastach wiec teraz nie bedzie komu sprzatnac sniegu. Hahaha! Super. Oprocz tego w ten nadchodzacy poniedzialek i wtorek ma spasc dodatkowo od 5 do 15 cm! HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!!! Oprocz tego ze terazniejsza pogoda nie jest zbytnio pomocna jesli chodzi o zycie socjalne Torontoczykow (nikt nie chce jezdzic po lodzie) to mamy problem z S.A.R.S. virus. No i jest, globalna zima, plaga, terroryzm. Ciekawe so jeszcze? Moze ekonomia siadzie na de. O, chwileczke, .... za pozno. HA!

April 10, 2003.
So, how are you all? As I am pondering the question myself, the war in Iraq is getting closer to the end. It is absolutely amazing to see these historic events unvailing at the front of our eyes. Long Live Liberty! One a-hole down. Those current tyrants in power in other countries-and you know who you are-should take a very close look at the current events as "they" may become just that. God Bless America!

Kwiecien 10, 2003.
Zycie idzie po malu. A co do kierunku to sam szukam odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Moze musze skorzystac z servisu cyganki? Wojna w Iraku powoli dochodzi do konca. Czy to jest poczatek konca czy .... kto wie ....

April 17, 2003.
Hello Everybody! We experienced a tiny tease of Spring (for one frigging day) and it was over. Now it feels like -10 C (no wait! it is friggin' -10 C). Crap! Either way there is on place to go anywhere. SARAS and West Nile virus is kicking our asses. Current news is that scientists have isolated the virus and now - maybe - they will start on the CURE! So currently in Toronto nobody goes out, shops and even local transportation claims that over 50,000 less people are traveling by trains, buses or streetcars. So everyone is back driving the car resulting in traffic increase from 3 hours (home drive) to about 5.

OK, this Friday is a Good Friday but also the radio station Q 107 will present important information: the tour dates for the rock concert with Aerosmith (opening act) and KISS! Now wheather there are any Canadian dates is still unknown but if there is one it has to be Toronto. Sorry but we are just .... bigger! So, as far as the KISS's farewell tour is concerned .... the boys just wanna rock and roll all night and party everyday! And who doesn't?

Kwiecien 17, 2003.
No wiec zima byla, poszla i jest z powrotem. Jak bylo +10 C wczaraj to dzisiaj jest -10 C! Jakkolwiek i tak nikt w Toronto nie wychodzi z domu poniewaz oprocz podogy do banii to dodatkowo mamy plage i wirusy. SARS juz spowodowal zamkniecie kilku szkol, szpitali jak i rowniez kolej miejska ma ok 50,000 ludzi mniej korzystajacych z niej. Aha, no i West Nile wirus ma byc jeszcze gorszy niz w zeszlym roku. Tak ze jesli sie wybieracie do Toronto to maski gazowe i kombinezony musza byc.

OK. Teraz, w ten Piatek zostal podany komunikat zawierajacy bardzo wazna wiadomosc. A wiec, Aerosmith i KISS podali kilkanascie dat na ich tourne po USA. Dat na Kanade nie ma. Jeszcze nie wiadomo. Szanse sa male poniewaz Aerosmith bylo w zeszle lato. No i co z tego!!! Mogli by wpasc jeszcze raz-przynajmniej do Toronto. Dlaczego do Toronto? Poniewaz my jestesmy ..... najwieksi! HA!

April 25, 2003.

It's my Birthday!

Oh my God! Here it is, another unwanted celebration. .... it's only a number ... it's only a number ..... ummmm .... ummmmm..... I had a great party with a fabulous dinner and a movie. I want to thank everyone for great e-mails and cards. Pictures will be posted soon.

Kwiecien 25, 2003.

Moje Urodziny!

No i stalo sie ..... nastepny numerek przyplatal sie jak ten rzep. Siwych jeszcze nie ma wiec dalej oszczedzam na operacje plastyczna (wrazie czego, lipo suction, ass lift nigdy nie wiadomo). W Piatek wszyscy bylismy na obiedzie w restauracji Jack Astors. Bylo swietnie. Obrzarlismy sie jak swienie, raz na rok mozna, ha....Dziekuje wszystkim za zyczenia i kartki. Zdjecia z urodzin beda zawieszone jak tylko wystrzelam cala klisza.

May 1, 2003.
Today was the day of horror. Day seemed like any other day. Partly cloudy with sunny breaks. Temperature in mild high teens. Breeze was gentle from south south-east. Curtains flurred as the drift came through the living room windows and I looked in the fridge contemplating what the hell to eat.

It was about the time for supper when I decided to prepare some nice dish. Stomach growling nervously so I quickly reached for the herring and some onions. In the corner of my eye I spotted something red. I got startled at first. I took a step back then lean forward ever so slowely and saw them. They were young, round, ripe and smelled like a gentle summer breeze. That's just the way I always like them. So I reached for one of them and squeezed it gently. It was shiny and firm. It was perfect. I always loved vine tomatoes.

But first, I proceeded to remove the bones from the fish because they were small and soft but could inflict some discomfort when lodged in the throat. First seemed divergent yet the latter oddly analogous to me. I thought about it as I proceeded to cut up onions and it made me smile. The Kettle for tea was ready and so was I. Well almost. The tomato was still sitting there looking pretty but not for long because I reached for the biggest knife in the drawer to do this precision job.

In my left hand I held it not too hard so the juices won't squirt but just firm enough so it wouldn't get away. The obliteration was about to commence and its green mile onto my plate begin. The first slices embarked on its final journey. Oh I was going to enjoy them! Then as I was almost half way through , in the blink of the eye, the blade slipped and ripped into my finger about inch and a half. Shock and disbelief was overwhelming. I dropped the knife into the sink and ran to the bathroom in agonizing pain. Cold water was going to numb the pain. Or so I thought.

Blood was filling the sink fast. I had to think faster. Was I going to pass out? Maybe hurl? Nausea was begining to move in but I was not ready to surrender! With my quick wits I dialed 911 .... actually it was Cheryl's phone number on the speed dial.

-"Come quick!", I screamed, "I need medical assistance!".

A whole pinte of blood later I was on a strecher wearing surgical mask in the local ER. The hospital dames were friendly and numbed my pain with ..... well I was numbed so what the hell did I care .... and brief two hours and four bloodied stiches later I bravely marched back into that kitchen and without a word I devoured the tomato. Who is laughing now?

Ouch .... it @#$%& hurts!

July 15, 2003.

I have not written on a while because .... well gotten lazy man. There, I said it. Summer is here and it is very mild. Just like I remembered in Gdansk. I hang out with my friends on the weekends and life is good. I am working on life-is-good-but-could-be-better part. Ralph left on the on the 5th of July for six weeks vacation to Poland. We, here in Canada, suspect that he may not have a job upon his return. I don't think that CEO gets six weeks. We think he black mailed his boss ...hmm. (kidding Ralphy). Cheryl's birtday is coming up on the July 20-th and therefore I will post the pictures from that occasion as well as from Britney's Graduation party. I will keep you posted as to where amd when they will be ... well ... posted.

Wiec ponownie sie wzialem za moja website ktora negelktowalem juz dosc dlugo.... z lenistwa. Wiec zauwazylelm ze od jakiegos czasu moja rutyna jest .... bezzmienna? No tak. Weekend jest podzielony pomiedzy dziewczyna, kumplami no i rodzinka (rodzinka tak na samym koncu to juz wtedy kiedy wszystkie plany wysiadly kompletnie). W tygodniu to moze kino, silownia (na mur) i juz. Nasz kolega Rafal wyjechal do Polski na .... szesc tygodni! Przypuszczamy ze moze jego stanowisko bedzie bye bye. OK, napewno nie bo znajac Rafala to napewno sie postaral aby miec przyjecie w pracy na jego powrot, hehehe. Dostajac od Rafala text messeges wnioskujemy ze sie bardzo dobrze bawi ale .... rowniez bardzo teskni za Torontem no i chyba za nami tez skoro my ...w Toronto, hmm.

July 20, 2003.

Cheryl's Birthday!

Darling, I Want To Wish You The Best BirthdayAnd

May You always have the Best Health, $uccess and the Best of Friends!
From Mark and Mommy!

July 29, 2003.

Grzegorz "Urko" Urbanski's Birthday!

Urko, Pozdrowienia!! ... i Serdeczne Zyczenia

z Okazji Twoich Urodzin!

Duzo for$y, wygrania w loterie, zdrowka i wszystko co najlepsze! Cheers!
Hey! Mick Jagger rowniez obchodzi, jutro sie z nim zobacze to przekaze zyczenia jak rowniez i on nawzajem!

Rock'n'Roll baby!

Go Back to the Top

See You soon,

G. :)

R E P U B L I K A Forever!

znaczek1 82_85_chechowski republika01 de22_022 znaczek3

Some Links For You To Check Out



Official site for Republika, alternative rock band. (In Polish)


Official site for Grzegorz Ciechowski. (In Polish)

Lady Pank.

Official site for Lady Pank, rock'n'roll band. (In Polish)


Official site for Perfect, rock'n'roll band. (In Polish)


Official site for Lombard, rock'n'roll band. (In Polish)


Official site for Germany's best export.


Official site for David Coverdale and Whitesnake.


Official site for The Best Rock Band in the world.

Rob Halford.

Official site for "The Metal God".

Van Halen.

Official site for the ultimate party band.

Iron Maiden.

Official site for the UK's Best.


Official site for the metal band that never fades.


Coast to Coast AM

Official site for Art Bell fans and listeners of his radio show. Cool stuff.


Official site for the best place in all of Poland: Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia. (In Polish)

News Links.

Links to the news from all over the world. Check it out.


If you want to experience the real X-Files, you will like this site. Intriguing.

F B I.

Find crime and gang alerts, a list of most wanted fugitives, and more.


Have a look at the joke of the day, headlines from across the funny wires, a chat room ...

Write to me

Napisz do mnie

Last Update: November 15, 2004

EST. December 20, 2002