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*M.y. S.e.x.i. J.o.u.r.n.a.l*
Wednesday, 23 July 2003
*D u n n o*
lol well i'm sitting here watching stuart little 2 well actually its the credits if you were wondering! the songs pretty good so that's pretty much the only reason that there on...but last night i couldn't get on IM which sucks because i wanted to plan sometime to go to the movies but oh well i'll live there's still today tomorrow and the next day except all my south east buds are going to school the next week which really really sucks i'm going to miss ya'll so much! alright well if your reading this and you want to go to the movies let me no alright! ha...kay well i'm oug

love you

Posted by hi5/luvnurkisses85 at 9:57 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003
lol this is kind of funny but i mean it might only be funny because i'm really really really bored!! so you know how it goes...alright here it is...2day is the 22nd right and its also the end of the 2nd week that i've been going out with Kevin. lol well i just thought i'd share that with everyone Kevin~woohoo two weeks i told you we'd make it past that instead of me breaking up with you like i have every other guy!! lol i love you!!

Posted by hi5/luvnurkisses85 at 12:20 PM EDT
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*S.u.m.m.e.r* '03'
YEAH BABY!! woohoo summer break kicks ass i'm so glad that we going to h/s the only part that sucks its i ain't going to see most of ya'll ever again...for some of you..thats not a bad thing but for alot of you it made me cry..every single one of my friends has touched my life in some way and made me a better person i thank you everyday for what you have given me and i will never forget you!! Serena-man girl why'd you have to move that really sucks , Morgan- girl your so funny but we still going to chill sometime right, Alex- you live really close lol so call me anytime you want to chill..and all the rest of my friends i love ya'll so much!! i'll never forget you and i hope you never forget me!!

love you

Posted by hi5/luvnurkisses85 at 12:04 PM EDT
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*W.a.y. T.o. B.o.r.e.d*
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala AHHH damnit there's nothing to do...i'm watching fucked up dawson's creek! i mean come on, kevin never gets on anymore so i'm stuck here talking to absolutely no one because i have no life yeah thats right no life...actually the only reason i'm here is because we got a puppy and i HAVE to take care of it so i can't leave the house but thank god i get a break tomorrow when i go over my dads and can do W/E i want to!! woohoo!! and arg i'm kinda sad about how i'm going to h/s and i'm not going to know anyone that well at all and then there's orientation where i'm going to go and be like all alone which is really going to suck but you know what i'll live because i can't wait to go to h/s because i know its going to kick ass!! woohoo PARTY!! well i can't wait but seriously if you're doing anything sometime soon please call me i need to go somewhere or do something at least!!


Posted by hi5/luvnurkisses85 at 11:42 AM EDT
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Hey ya'll i'm really bored!! Yeah can't you tell since i decided to make this thing and i had no idea what it was at all!! Well i finally figured out that its some type of journal so yeah. But i'm sitting here watching Mr. Deeds lol and its funny as shit but i mean i've seen it a bunch of times i guess its just funny because i'm bored. Well if anyone is doing anything this week or next week give me a call because i'm so bored sitting her all day long doing absolutely nothing!! Well i am doing one thing i'm waiting for kevin to get on but he didn't even get on yesterday but w/e its all good i'll live i still love him. Well i hope tonight comes really soon because i'm going to this refing class for my job and we going to finish the last law and then we get to start the hand signals i think, i don't know but its actually kind of fun but the best part that i'm getting a job and then i get to get paid which means i'll have MONEY woohoo!! haha alright well i'll add some more entries later


Posted by hi5/luvnurkisses85 at 10:42 AM EDT
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