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  1. Open My Computer (page 2.17)

-         , Right Pane left click

-          My Computer shows drives within your computer system. (page 2.18)

The hands here represent “sharing” drives over a Network. If your system does not have any sharing features, that is just fine.

-         Identify the “Hierarchy” of your computer system.

-         From the drive above follow the alphabetical representation A, B, C, D, … Identify the hierarchy you have on your college computer system. Do you know what drive hierarchy you have on your computer at home?



  1. How to select a drive from My Computer (page 2.19 figure 2-15)

-         Select drive A: Double click this drive - left clicking twice.

-         (page 2.27) View files stored on your floppy disk drive, once open you should see a filed called “your first name dot RTF”. Please note the default program in control of your file is Microsoft Word. That is fine if you don’t have MS-Word.

-         Identify a file  verses a folder, note the Yellowed structure of a folder. (page 2.25 figure 2-21)

-         Reading a file should be done from Left –to-Right.

-         Icon identified  = Microsoft Word

-         Filename = Your first name

-         File extension = RTF (rich text file), please view the handout containing all the “Common File Formats”.

-         By double left clicking on this file “your first name dot rtf”, should launch/open the contents into WordPad or Microsoft Word. Here at the College this should be MS-Word.

-          Typical Icons in Windows XP (page 2.21 figure 2.18)








3.       Identify methods of copying a file  (page 2.27 bottom)

-         With A: drive open and file hi-lighted, Right mouse click and select copy.

-         Copied file/material is placed into a storage holder area called “Clipboard”   . We then select the area we wish to “Paste” the file, maybe in a folder we have created. Select the destination spot and left click item once, then Right mouse click the hi-lighted item and select   . You may open the destination area selected, to verify the file has been placed within.

-         ² method, Hi-light the file and select Edit, Copy from the File toolbar within an open My Computer window.



-         ³ method - You could also use Copy to Folder or Move to Folder (remember what happens with move?) Both of these items are found under the Edit menu.


-         If you look to the left of your open My Computer window, note the heading. Under this heading you should note the following selections similar to method 2.

 We a little more using these methods outlined here.



4.     Identify how to copy Sequential files using  key

-         ¹ select the first file you wish to copy, hi-light. Hold down the Shift  key and point to the adjacent files you wish to copy. I will be using five files for this demonstration.

Text Box: Hi-Light first file to copy, with mouse pointer


   , hold the  down and select the other required files.


 Here I have selected file 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and have not selected the file called “Firstname.rtf”. Now that the files have been placed into the  (clipboard), we can now maneuver to the destination location and use a paste method.



5.     Non-Sequential method using  key


-         ² select the first file you wish to copy, hi-light. Hold down the Shift  key and point to the adjacent files you wish to copy. I will be using five files for this demonstration.

Text Box: Hi-Light first file to copy, with mouse pointer


   , hold the  down and select the other required files. Apply a Right mouse click on the hi-lighted blue stack and select  from the menu list.



-         As you can see here I have selected every other file, within my list of six files.

 Files 1, 3, 5 have been selected. Apply a Right mouse click on the hi-lighted blue stack and select  from the menu list. Select the destination point and use a paste method.











6.       Identify how to create a folder (page 2.24/2.25 figure 2-20)

-         from the File and folder Tasks on page 2.24 figure 2-20

-          Click on the item Make a new folder. The default for all new folders will be

-         You can also select File, New from the menu toolbar , give new folder a name.

-         You can also Right mouse Click on the content area (white) of your open My Computer window. From the Right click menu select New and then folder




Wow that is a great review! You are doing a fantastic job learning new concepts and apply them within Windows.


Short cut keys

*   Windows key + L – allows for quick log off

 +  +   keys, will give you access to Shutdown procedure






1.     Discover using Help, ,

2.     Discover using Conlearn and the files within

3.     Discover creating folders on drive “C”

4.     Discover Copy/Move to features

5.     Discover Renaming Folders, Files, Multiple files

6.     Discover Delete and Edit Undo?

7.     Discover Disk copy using 2 diskettes

8.     Discover opening multiple programs using the  key

9.     Discover Closing multiple open tasks using  key