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Friday, 12 September 2003
hey everyone. First blog entry!woohooo!
since most of you who come to this page already know not gonna post all these little facts about me unless I feel like it.
So far, this week really sucked..
~director died
~my friend is moving
~another friend is treating me like crap
and some other things. But as that cheesy country song goes, "upupup!can only go up from here!"
so it'll get better.
Anyway, I LOVE the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. It's a great movie. Great actors- orlando and johnny are hot! And a great plot, which never fails to surprise you! It's a great movie!!:)
I have nothing to do tonight! what fun! My sister and mom are out shopping for her homecoming dress, my stepdad and other sis are being weird, and im hehe! I think I would've been no fun if I had gone along ice skating like Rachel invited me. Plus im completley uncooridinated! :-D. And the whole viewing thing and all.
The viewing. That was so sad. I saw a lot of my theatre friends, but it was such a sad time to see them. I talked to Stevies mom, who was the sweetest lady in the world! She called me sweetheart and said how Stevie lov ed all us kids and to stick with theatre camp. And I barely knew her..awwwww...
I feel so sad. I am not sure what I'll write now. But I'm bored so I guess I'll keep typing.
For any of you that have AIM, you probably know my screen names. CrAzYhYpErOnE719 and lenoxxcaffiene. hehe! my email is
speaking of email..if you get one from micro soft that says USE THIS PATCH IMMEDIATLEY! Or something as the subject line- DELETE it. I scanned it before I downloaded it, it has the Dumaru virus. Just to let you all know.
Well, I think this entry is long enough, so I'll end posting here. I'll post again later if I feel like it.
*mood: mentally draining*
Good night all!

Posted by hi5/lenoxxcaffiene at 8:36 PM EDT
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