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Ho’okupu Hula No Lana’i

This event is free to the public and the Hawaiian cultural workdshop will also be at no charge to participating halau.
It is our way of giving back to the Kupuna, community residents and to those visiting the island.
The festival is in honor of Uncle George Lanakilakeikiahiali'i Naope and the Po'e Kahiko of Lana'i.

October 2, 2009 Friday-

8:00am Ho'okupu at Dole Park
Presentation of Kumu Hula or haumana.

Festivities in the park with food vendors, crafters, informational booths and Music.

3:00pm - 6:00pm Workshop at the Manele Bay Four Seasons(Kaunolu ballroom)
Oli workshop with Kepa Maly
Hula workshop with Kumu Debbie Ryder
Lei Making workshop (donation) for materials

6:00pm Pa'ina for participants

October 3, 2009 Saturday-

Opening Pule 8:30am
9:00am - 6:00pm Ho'okupu Hula No Lana'i Festival at Manele Bay Four Seasons (Hale Halawai ballroom)

Featurinig halau from Japan, Mexico, California, Germany, The Big Island, Maui, Oahu & Lana'i.

Also, featuring Special Guest Musicians; Wailau Ryder & The Lim Family, Cyril Pahinui, Leiohu Ryder & Maydeen Iao, Darrin Benetiz and more.

Arts and Craft vendors, Hawaiian cultural demonstrations - Poi pounding, Wood carving, Stone carving, Weaving, Lei making, La'au, Lomilomi and more.

*At the end of the program all participants who attended the workshop will perform Oli and the Lana'i hula in honor of the Po'e Kahiko of Lana'i.

For more information email -

Me Kealoha Pumehana,,
Debbie Leionalani Ryder
P.O. Box 631464
Lana'i City, HI 96763
Contact phone: (808) 258-7467

Accomodation Links
The Four Seasons Resorts Lana'i at Manele Bay
The Four Seasons Resorts Lana'i at Koele

Last up dated: April 29, 2009
