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Drako's Playground

User Security

Well, we used to have some lengthy posting here about rumors and the like regarding what used to be TNSC.

However, we just really like making sure our users feel safe using our websites and products so...

First and foremost, there had been rumors that Drako's Playground (Formerly TNSC) is a good for nothing ad-laden website full of spyware and bugs designed to do evil shit to users' computers.
We will admit, that since we utilize FREE hosting, there may be more ads than usual on Drako's Playground. If we are offered donations and upgrade options, this will greatly reduce the ads. (Since we would be upgrading to remove ads forced upon us by our servers.)
Also, we do not actively support any such activities that would allow the placement of any malware on any of our users' machines. (It would be an unfortunate side affect if any of our servers attempt this, and we do try to avoid allowing them to do so.)

Therefore, we can state that we will never actively perform any actions that would cause our users any sort of security issues.
However, to help ensure that things do not get crazy, we heavily encourage that our users utilize decent anti-virus software. (which we have some nice options on our Download Center Site)
Also, we suggest the use of pop up blockers, which are now common with most major browsers.

The biggest thing to note about Drako's Playground and The DWS Team:

  • We will NEVER ask for any user names or passwords via e-mail. This is against our rules, and against the law.
  • We will NEVER ask you to enter any login information from any other site. We don't want your passwords from FA, or any other such site.
  • We NEVER store any user data outside our normal login system
  • We forbid the use of data mining, and we are strict in regards to enforcing all laws.

We want all users to understand Drako's Playground is a Safe Haven, and a Safe Place to hang out. We want you all to rest assured that we take user security extremely seriously, and will never do anything to undermine that standard.

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